법무부 온라인민원서비스 Apply for a visit to a detention center through the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service: Naver Blog

법무부 온라인민원서비스2021. 2. 2. 14:14

Today, I would like to apply for a visit to a detention center or prison using the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service.

Due to COVID-19, smart interviews and video interviews can also be applied for through the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service.

However, if you still need to meet face-to-face and talk about various things, you can apply for a visit to a detention center or prison using the method below.

How to apply for a visit to a detention center or prison using the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service
▲ First, search for the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service in our favorite green window.

▲ Access the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service site.

If you access the Ministry of Justice’s online service site as shown above, you can make a reservation for an in-person interview under “Civil Complaint Application and Issuance” in the menu above. However, there is a quick menu at the bottom, so it is more convenient to use the quick menu.

▲ Select General Meeting Reservation from the quick menu.

▲ Make a reservation after checking the general interview information and precautions.

▲ Verify your identity.

I was surprised by the variety of identity verification methods available at the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service. Basically, I understand i-PIN and mobile phone authentication, but it also includes card authentication and passport number authentication. It was nice that users could choose a method that was convenient for them.

▲ Identity verification has been completed.

You must register the information of the person you wish to meet by selecting the inmate and institution target management.

▲ Register the person you wish to interview.

You must know the recipient’s (inmate’s) receiving institution, receiving number, and inmate’s name.

▲ Confirm your reservation details and proceed.

If the subject (inmate) refuses to be interviewed, a cancellation text message will be sent to the reservation mobile phone number.
Therefore, you must check before the interview.

▲ The number of interviews has been set on the date of the interview.

As above, there is a limit to the number of interviews. In this case, don’t panic and select a different date.

▲ You can select a different date or time like this.

In this way, we learned how to apply for visits to detention centers and prisons using the Ministry of Justice’s online civil service service.

법무부 온라인민원서비스
