비상교과서 PDF 다운로드 및 사이트 Emergency textbook PDF download and site

More and more people are becoming more familiar with e-books. Students these days have been using computers, smartphones, and tablets since they were young, so they feel more comfortable studying with e-books than paper books. So today, we will learn about the PDF DVD download site and how to download the Emergency Education textbook, which is used as a textbook for many students from elementary school to high school.

비상교과서 PDF

비상교과서 PDF


Emergency textbook PDF download site How to get it Emergency education DVD

1. Emergency education textbook e-book provided subjects

The emergency textbook subjects that can be downloaded for free are as follows.


Elementary school: Music (grades 3 to 6), art (grades 3 to 6), physical education (grades 3 to 6), practical science (grades 5 to 6)


Middle school: Korean (grades 1 to 3), English (grades 1 to 3), mathematics (grades 1 to 3), social studies 1 and 2, social studies 1 and 2, history 1 and 2, history 1 and 2, morals 1 and 2, science (1 and 2) ~3rd grade), Chinese Characters, Technical Home Economics 1·2, Information, Music 1·2, Art 1·2, Physical Education, Career and Occupation


High school: Korean language, literature, reading, language and media, speech and writing, English 1·2, reading and writing, conversation, mathematics, mathematics 1·2, probability and statistics, calculus, geometry, integrated society, society and culture, Korea Geography, World Geography, Geography Budo, Politics and Law, Economy, Korean History, East Asian History, World History, History Budo, Life and Ethics Ethics and Thought, Integrated Science, Scientific Exploration Experiment, Physics 1·2, Chemistry 1·2, Life Science 1·2, Earth Science 1·2, Chinese Characters 1, Technology/Home Economics, Information, Music, Art, Physical Education, Sports Life, Career and Occupation



2. Emergency textbook PDF download site

Emergency Education operates a dedicated site for teachers called ‘Viva Sam’, and you can download elementary, middle school, and high school textbook e-books by signing up and logging in.


Middle and High School Viva Sam

Viva Sam provides emergency textbook class data room, abundant document materials, question bank, and multimedia materials for middle and high school teachers.



3. View emergency education partial textbook PDF

Emergency Education provides PDF textbooks for some elementary, middle, and high school mathematics and science subjects as e-books without logging in on the Emergency Textbook website.





Just select each textbook brand. The answers and explanation materials for each textbook can be downloaded from the emergency textbook website > the detailed introduction page of the textbook.

However, since it is protected by copyright law for limited use only for ‘learning’ purposes, it must not be arbitrarily redistributed or used for purposes other than learning.


4. How to obtain emergency textbook DVD downloads

You can download middle and high school textbook DVDs by clicking on ‘Textbook Data Room’ on the ‘Vivasam’ homepage and then clicking on the ‘Emergency Textbook DVD Download Link’ in the blue bar at the bottom. Depending on the subject, you can select DVD, mobile, or web to download.

Before downloading, please refer to the ‘DVD User Guide’ and ‘DVD Mobile App User Guide’ first.