삼성카드 결제일별 사용기간 Summary of Samsung Card usage period by payment date

Did you know that the Samsung Card usage period varies by payment date? Actually, this is not just Samsung Card, but all card companies. Today, we will learn how to change the usage period and payment date of Samsung Card by payment date♥
By Samsung Card Payment Date
Summary of period of use
+ How to change the payment date

Depending on the credit card payment date 삼성카드 결제일별 사용기간
Is the period of use different?
▲ First, the payment date for Samsung Card is 1st, 5th, 10th, 11th, 12th, 13th, 15th, 18th, 21st, 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th, 26th You can choose.
삼성카드 결제일별 사용기간

payment date
If the previous month is by the 30th
If the previous month is by the 31st 이베이스매뉴얼
1 day
19th of the previous month
~ 18th of the previous month
20th of the previous month
~ 19th of the previous month
5 days
23rd of the previous month
~ 22nd of the previous month
24th of the previous month
~ 23rd of the previous month
10 days
28th of the previous month
~ 27th of the previous month
29th of the previous month
~ 28th of the previous month
11 days
29th of the previous month
~ 28th of the previous month
30th of the previous month
~ 29th of the previous month
12 days
30th of the previous month
~ 29th of the previous month
1st of the previous month
~ 30th of the previous month
13 days
1st of the previous month – the last day of the previous month
3rd of the previous month – 2nd of the current month
18 days
6th of the previous month – 5th of the current month
21 days
9th of the previous month – 8th of the current month
22 days
10th of the previous month – 9th of the current month
11th of the previous month – 10th of the current month
24 days
12th of the previous month – 11th of the current month
25 days
13th of the previous month – 12th of the current month
14th of the previous month – 13th of the current month
▲ And depending on the payment date, the period of use is set differently. Let’s take 5 days as an example! I set the payment date to the pay date in case of late payment or non-payment that may occur. (Payday = 5 days) Then I pay the amount I spent from the 24th of the previous month to the 23rd of the previous month on the Samsung Card payment date. Isn’t it difficult?

▲ For those who say that the period of use is confusing and complicated, it is best to set the payment date to 13 days. As you have already seen in the table above, when the 13th is the payment date, the period of use is from the 1st of the previous month to the last day of the previous month, because it is the most convenient to understand the usage amount or organize the usage history!

How to change Samsung Card payment date?
▲ You can easily change the Samsung Card payment date in the Samsung Card App Card application. First, run the Samsung Card app, and click the three lines on the top left of the app!

▲ If you press the three lines, a screen like the one above will appear. In the “My” category, select “Payment Date”.

▲ From the list of cards you have, select the card you want to change the payment date, select the payment date you want to change, and click the Change button and you are done! Simple, right?
*If the payment date is changed, the payment amount will be charged separately on the “last payment date before the change” and “the first payment date after the change”.

▲ When you change the payment date in the Samsung Card app, there are times when it is processed immediately (8 am to 10 pm) and when it is not. If you apply after 10 pm, it will be processed after 8:00 the next day. Today, I learned about the period of use of Samsung Card payment and how to change the payment date. So, today’s post is here. Goodbye! Pop!