생리대 바우처 [1-Minute Welfare Information] 2022 Vouchers for sanitary products for low-income families, now apply from the age of 9! | Children and Youth | Welfare news | Seongnam Welfare Connection

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Starting in 2022, we will expand support for sanitary pad vouchers for women and adolescents.
First of all, they must be female adolescents from low-income families.
Please be sure to check as the support age and support amount have been expanded and changed starting this year^^

⊙ Support target: low-income women and adolescents aged 9 to 24
⊙ Support details: Support for the purchase of sanitary products at KRW 12,000 per month, every 6 months (up to KRW 144,000 per year)
⊙ How to apply: Apply online at the administrative welfare center or welfare center in the district that has jurisdiction over your resident registration address.

Are you curious about the sanitary pad voucher support system for women and adolescents?
The sanitary pad voucher support system is for the healthy growth of low-income women and adolescents.
This is a system that supports the cost of purchasing sanitary pads (health hygiene products) in the form of an electronic voucher!
We would like to inform you that the support age and support amount have been expanded so that we can help more youth^^

1. Expansion of support target
Starting this year, the age eligible for support is
Expanded from 11 to 18 years old in 2021 to 9 to 24 years old in 2022.
Any female adolescent who meets the eligibility and age criteria can apply.

[Qualification criteria]
l Recipients of livelihood, medical, housing, and education benefits
l Legally lower class
※Next lower class: Self-sufficiency, next lower class self-burden recipient, next lower class disabled person, issuance of next lower class confirmation letter
l Single-parent family

[Age standard]
l 9 to 24 years old based on year of birth (as of 2022: 1998.1.1. to 2013.12.31)
-> Support for up to 16 years (192 months) until the end of the year in which you reach the age of 24^^

2. Support details
The cost of purchasing sanitary products is subsidized at 12,000 won per month in six-month increments, up to a maximum of 144,000 won per year.
This year’s support amount has increased by about 5% compared to last year, considering the inflation rate!

[Support amount]
We provide support of 12,000 won per month every 6 months.
Every year, 6-month payments are made in January and July.
You will receive support starting from the month you apply, so apply as soon as possible.

[Period of use]
Supported vouchers must be used until December 31st of the relevant year, and any remaining vouchers will expire on January 1st of the following year!

[How to use]
A National Happiness Card issued in the name of the applicant or youth may be issued at a retail store where payment can be made.
You can freely purchase health hygiene products (sanitary pads, tampons, etc.) ^^

3. How to apply
Visit the administrative welfare center in charge of your resident registration address or apply online through welfare.

[Application period]
From January to December 15, 2022

[Application target]
In principle, the youth themselves or their parents must apply.
If it is unavoidable for a parent to apply, a youth caregiver can apply.
However, teenagers under the age of 14 must have the signature of a legal representative^^

[Application Procedure]
Voucher service application/reception → Investigation and screening → Determination of eligibility and support amount → Notification of results
→Application and issuance of National Happiness Card →> Payment and use of National Happiness Card available
# When visiting the community center (administrative welfare center), the applicant must have an ‘ID card’ ready.

To apply for the voucher service, please go to the administrative welfare center in the neighborhood where you live.
Eligibility is determined after investigation and review.

『How to apply for a voucher』
Please visit or apply online ^^

1. Application for visit
| Applicant: Adolescent person, parent, or primary caregiver
| Required documents: 1 copy of applicant’s ID card
| Application location: Administrative Welfare Center in the neighborhood of residence

2. Online application
| Applicant: A public certificate is required for the youth or the applicant’s parents, siblings, or spouse.
| How to apply: Use Bokjiro or the app^^ http/www.bokjiro.go.kr

Please search for the business name as ‘Support for sanitary products for women and adolescents’ ^^

In order to use a sanitary pad (health hygiene product) voucher, you must receive a National Happiness Card (National Voucher Integrated Card).
If you already have a National Happiness Card, you can use your existing card.

[Types of National Happiness Card and Where to Apply]
BC Card 1899-4651
Samsung Card 1566-3336
Lotte Card 1899-4282
Shinhan Card 1544-8868
KB Kookmin Card 1599-7900

I hope you apply for a sanitary pad voucher and grow healthy ^^

○ Reporting: This is Violet Lee Seung-mi, Seongnam City Welfare Information Correspondent.

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