생활정보 알림 서비스 Goopi, how to apply for public secretary notification service

생활정보 알림 서비스There are a lot of schedules and information that are missed due to busy work.
Every time I do, I think about how great it would be if I had a secretary who would never forget the information I needed.

Therefore, we are providing the public secretary notification service that guides the public with necessary administrative information like a secretary. If you apply for the service, you will be notified of the information you need in a timely manner so that you can use it without missing it.

Currently available services include information on applying for national scholarships and payment of fines. Please check the information available for application below. Today, we will learn about the national secretary notification service.

Apply for national secretary

National busi notification service, Goopi is a personalized notification service that guides you through Naver App, Kakao Talk, Toss, or text message to get the administrative information and schedule you need.

Guppi means good secretary, national secretary. Goopi’s character is a rabbit robot. Originally, it was an abbreviation for national secretary, but it was changed to a natural and cute goopi (GOOD secretary). I hope to become a good secretary as good as my name.


Currently, not much information is given. It will continue to increase in the future, so it will be fun to see what additional items are provided.

Types of public secretary notification service

This is a list of services currently being provided. National scholarship application information, COVID-19 vaccination reservation information, general health checkup information, cancer health checkup information, traffic fine payment information, traffic fine payment information, school bus safety education for children, traffic safety education for elderly drivers, driver’s license aptitude Inspection renewal period information, etc.

There are not many services provided, but it seems to give priority to education, health, and traffic information that are used a lot in real life. It would be really useful if necessary information is provided as a notification service later.
Let’s find out how to apply for a national secretary guppi right away. How to use is very simple.

1. Access the Government 24 website and click on ‘National Secretary Gupi’. You can apply after logging in. https://www.gov.kr

public secretary goo

2. Log in. You can log in with a certificate, simple authentication, etc.

Government24 Login

3. Click Apply for National Secretary. Government 24 members can use the national secretary only with consent. If your mobile phone information is different, please edit your member information first.

Apply for national secretary

4. I agree to the collection and use of personal information. You can select only required.

Consent to collection of personal information

5. Set an alarm. The service is provided through the registered mobile phone number. You can choose which apps you want to receive. You can choose one from Naver App, KakaoTalk, Toss, and text message. Then select the services you want to be notified of.

National secretary notification setting

6. When you complete the application, you will receive a message right away. Then, your application is successfully completed.

Today, we learned about Guppi, a national secretary notification service. You can also receive corona vaccine reservation information. When the inoculation date is confirmed, the guppy will inform you.

In addition, Goopi can integrate notifications and schedules by linking with Google Calendar, Naver Calendar, Outlook, etc., and application and payment (account transfer) are also possible. Please give it a try.

public officials.com


생활정보 알림 서비스
