서울사랑상품권 발행일정 Information on the 2023 e-Seoul Love Gift Certificate (shopping only) issuance schedule (ft. Seoul pay+)

서울사랑상품권 발행일정This time, it is said that they will issue e-Seoul Love Gift Certificates (for shopping only) exclusively for 11th Street.

Let’s enter through the Seoul PAY+ app.

Click Seoul PAY+

Click “2023 eSeoul Love Gift Certificate (shopping only) issuance schedule” in the notice

to sum up

It is said to be issued at 11:00 am on May 3, 2023.
The discount rate is 7%
Purchase limit of 500,000 won per person
(The unfortunate thing this time is that you can’t use the delivery app… only available on 11st..)
Where to use: 11st eSeoul Love Shop#

You can see the picture above for details.
This is the part where the merit is a little less. Previously, if you bought an e-Seoul Love Gift Certificate, you could also use a delivery app (ex: I’m hungry, etc.), but this time, if it was only available on 11th Street…

Anyway, I hope you remember well and buy it at 11:00 am on May 3rd.

I’m sorry~

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서울사랑상품권 발행일정

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