세금계산서발행방법 Electronic tax invoice issuance obligation and method – Rodem Tax Corporation

세금계산서발행방법​Hello. This is Rodem Tax Corporation.
​​Recently, the obligation to issue electronic tax invoices has been lowered, so all businesses with annual sales of KRW 100 million or more must issue tax invoices in electronic form. Electronic form means accessing the National Tax Service’s Home Tax service and issuing a tax invoice online.​

※ Businesses under KRW 100 million can conveniently issue paper tax invoices by purchasing them at stationery stores.
In order to issue an electronic (tax) invoice, you must receive an electronic invoice certificate.
​※ If it is difficult to obtain a certificate, you can use a ‘security card’ issued by the local tax office. (free)
※ We will guide you through the issuance method using Kookmin Bank as an example. Other banks are similar.
Enter the user ID issued by your financial institution and complete issuance.
Once the certificate issuance is complete, you must register the certificate in Hometax. (The same applies if a security card is issued)
[1] Go to www.hometax.go.kr (Hometax) and register as a member.
[2] For individual businesses, sign up with the resident registration number on the left, and for corporate businesses, sign up with the business registration number on the right.
If you have signed up for Hometax, you can now issue an electronic (tax) invoice. There you go!
[1] In Hometax ‘Inquiry/Issuance’, if the number of cases is not large, select ‘Issue by case’. If the number of cases is large, mass issuance is possible through ‘Batch issuance’.

[2] Enter the values ​​in the form on the screen. Be sure to include the contents in the checked areas! You must enter
​※ In the registration number, enter the other party’s business registration number, and enter the company name and representative. Enter the date of issuance in the date, enter the entire amount including VAT in the supply price, and enter 10% VAT of the supply price in the tax amount.
Enter the certificate password on the next screen to complete issuance.
Representative Kim Jong-seok, Ji Jae-hoon
head office
Tel032 821 2711Mobile010 5778 2711Fax032 821 2712
2nd floor, 210, Hogupo-ro, Namdong-gu, Incheon [View map]
Songdo branch
Tel032 719 3602Mobile010 4649 5602Fax070 8668 5603
20th floor, 323 Incheon Tower-daero, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon [View map]
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