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Soron Dojeong is an adrenocortical hormone manufactured by Yuhan Corporation, and is a representative steroid drug. The main ingredient of Soron Dojeong is prednisolone 5mg, which has the effect of suppressing inflammation and allergic reactions, but can also have several side effects such as Cushing’s syndrome, which makes your face look like a moon. Let’s take a look at the effects and side effects of Soron Dojeong.

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Table of Contents

Soron Dojeong Efficacy
adverse side effects of conversation
Moonface’s “Cushing Syndrome.”
Soron Dojeong Baby, Alcohol, Acne, Pregnancy
Soron Dojeong Efficacy

Prednisolone 5mg is the main compon 소론도정 부작용ent of Soron’s tablet, which is a type of synthetic steroid. It is known that there are about 30 types of steroids, and it is used to treat various diseases such as endocrine and immune system diseases such as corona, atopic dermatitis, leukemia, rheumatoid diseases, skin diseases, allergic diseases, ophthalmic diseases, gastrointestinal diseases, respiratory diseases, blood diseases, neoplastic diseases, edema diseases, and nervous system diseases.

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1. Inflammation and allergy suppression: Soron tablet is mainly used to suppress inflammatory and allergic reactions.
This alleviates symptoms of inflammatory diseases such as dermatitis, rhinitis, rheumatoid arthritis, and allergic reactions.
2. Immunosuppression: Soronadotomy inhibits the immune system, so it is used to treat autoimmune diseases (e.g., lupus).
3. Adrenocortical Hormone: Soronocortical tablets are used to compensate for the deficiency of adrenocortical hormones and to replace their roles.
4. Other medical conditions: Soronodotomy can also be used as part of soft tissue inflammation, post-organ and organ transplantation immunosuppression, vertebral degeneration and cancer treatment.

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adverse side effects of conversation

Soron tablet is a steroid that has many side effects due to its strong effect, so care should be taken. In particular, when taken by a pregnant woman, it is a drug that has a risk to the fetus, such as fetal transformation and fetal toxicity, and is contraindicated to pregnant women. Soron tablet side effects may include infections, endocrine problems, digestive system problems, mental and nervous system problems, musculoskeletal problems, muscle and skeleton problems, lipid and protein metabolism problems, fluid and electrolyte problems, eye problems, blood problems, heart problems, skin problems, irritability, and Cushing syndrome. In order to minimize these side effects, it is important to keep the dosage, and the Soron tablet dose is administered orally 1-12 tablets (5-60 mg per day of prednisolone) in 1-4 installments on an adult basis, and it needs to be adjusted appropriately depending on the age and symptoms. If you want to know more information about Soron tablet, please click below to check it out.

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1. Gastrointestinal side effects: Gastrointestinal problems are one of the most common side effects, which can lead to indigestion, stomach ulcers, bleeding, etc.
2. Osteoporosis: Prednisolone can reduce bone density and increase the risk of osteoporosis when used for a long time.
3. Diabetes: It can raise blood sugar levels and cause or worsen diabetes.
4. Immunosuppression-related infections: Immunosuppression can make you susceptible to infections and cause serious infections.
5. Skin Changes: It can cause acne, skin thinning, spots, bruises, freckles, and more on the skin.
6. Body shape changes: body shape changes such as increased face and body weight, and changes in menstrual cycle in women can occur.
7. Neuropsychiatric symptoms: Neuropsychiatric symptoms such as insomnia, excitement, anxiety, and depression may appear.
8. Moonface Cushing’s Syndrome: Cortisol, a tension hormone in the body, may become too high, causing your face to swell up like a full moon.

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Moonface’s “Cushing Syndrome.”

Cushing’s syndrome is a condition in which cortisol, a tension hormone in the body, is excessively high. The symptoms of Cushing’s syndrome include a round face like a moon, an abnormal accumulation of fat behind the neck, and thinning of limbs, while the stomach becomes fat. This can include increased face and body weight, thinner skin, elevated blood pressure, muscle weakness, diabetes, and bone weakness. Cushing’s syndrome usually occurs for the following reasons:
1. Long term steroid medication: long term steroid medication (including prednisolone) can cause the adrenal gland to secrete cortisol excessively, leading to Moonface Cushing syndrome.
Adrenal Tumors: Adrenal Tumors May Make Your Adrenal Tumors Over-Secrete Cortisol, This May Cause Moonface Cushing Syndrome.
Long-term stress: Long-term psychological or physical stress can also increase cortisol levels.