소상공인 재도전특별자금 신청방법 Small Business Policy Fund

소상공인 재도전특별자금 신청방법01 Select company (business registration number) and funds
02 Agree to terms and conditions
03 Write application
04 Submit documents
05 Complete application (final submission)
06 Check application results (check review results)
* You can check the results of your direct loan application at ‘My Page – Loan application results – Direct loan application results’.
01 Select company (business registration number) and funds
02 Agree to terms and conditions
03 Write application
04 Submit documents
05 Complete application (final submission)
06 Check application results (check review results)
* You can check the results of your proxy loan application at ‘My Page – Loan application results – Proxy loan confirmation application results’ (If the ‘Print confirmation’ button is displayed, you can print it with a printer). (우) 34077 Daejeon Metropolitan City Yuseong-gu Jijok-ro 364beongil 92, 2nd floor Small Business Market Promotion Agency
Business registration number: 305-82-21570, Main phone number: 1357 without area code
Copyright 2023 SEMAS, All Right Reserved.
Use for government policy promotion

소상공인 재도전특별자금 신청방법
