신한저축은행 온라인햇살론 Shinhan Savings Bank Sunshine Loan conditions and reviews, including whether or not you can call from your current employer!

신한저축은행 온라인햇살론Shinhan Savings Bank’s Sunshine Loan product is a policy financial product for the common people who have low income and low credit and rely only on high-interest loans. It has the advantage of being a collateralized loan, making it easy for common people to get approved.

In addition, in addition to applying for a loan at a branch office, you can also apply for a non-face-to-face loan, which can shorten the time. If you want to conveniently receive a loan from the loan application to the loan deposit, please apply for Shinhan Savings Bank’s Sunshine Loan product.

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Only workers (office workers) can apply for the Shinhan Savings Bank Sunshine Loan product. However, the product is divided into the following categories depending on the application at a branch office or the non-face-to-face application route.

1) Sunshine Loan
You can apply for the Sunshine Loan product only by visiting a Shinhan Savings Bank branch office. However, workers (office workers) who meet all of the conditions below are eligible.

2) Online Sunshine Loan
You can apply for the online Sunshine Loan product on the Internet or mobile. However, the target is workers (office workers) who meet the qualifications for the ‘Haetsal Loan’ product and additionally meet the conditions below.

1) Loan limit and loan interest rate
The loan limit has been increased from a maximum of 15 million won to a maximum of 20 million won. However, since it has been increased for a limited period, the maximum limit may change to the previous amount or remain at the current amount.

The loan interest rate is a variable interest rate that changes once a month and can be used at around 10% to 11% per annum. However, the financial company autonomously decides within the upper limit interest rate notified by the Financial Supervisory Service.

2) Guarantee rate
Shinhan Savings Bank’s Haetsal Loan product is issued with a guarantee certificate from the ‘Korea Small Business Finance Promotion Agency’ to supplement insufficient income and credit conditions. In other words, it has the advantage of being highly likely to be loaned to low-income, low-credit citizens.

However, since it is a product for which a guarantee certificate is issued, a guarantee fee of up to 2% per annum is charged. If you meet the conditions below, the guarantee fee will be reduced, so please note.

3) Loan period and repayment method
The loan period is 3 or 5 years. The repayment method is ‘equal principal installment repayment’. Therefore, the principal is repaid in installments along with interest once a month.

However, since it is a policy-based financial product, the early repayment fee is exempted. In other words, even if you repay all or part of the principal early before the maturity date, there is no fee, so you can freely repay it, so please note.

If you apply for a loan with the ‘Haetsal Loan’ product, you will be asked to confirm your employment by phone. However, if you apply for a loan with the ‘Online Haetsal Loan’ product, they say there is no employment phone confirmation.

Even if you contact your workplace, it is processed without you knowing that it is a loan-related call, so you can resolve the employment call with a short call, which is an advantage.

In addition, online Sunshine Loan products do not require you to prepare documents by scraping them using a ‘joint certificate’ or ‘self-certification’.

Online Sunshine Loan products have lower loan interest rates than Sunshine Loan products, and can be processed quickly from loan application to loan deposit, so if you need funds urgently, it is recommended to apply online.

In addition, you can use it even if your income and credit conditions are low, you have many existing loans, or you have a short-term delinquency record, so if a high-interest loan is unavoidable, please apply actively.

However, each bank that handles online Sunshine Loan products has different loan conditions. Therefore, we recommend that you compare various online Sunshine Loan products and choose the product of the bank that offers the best conditions.

Sunshine Loan products are operated separately as ‘Worker Sunshine Loan’ and ‘Self-employed Sunshine Loan’ products. However, Shinhan Savings Bank only handles the Worker Sunshine Loan product, which is a disadvantage.

Therefore, the article below only lists banks that handle both the ‘Worker Sunshine Loan’ and ‘Self-Employed Sunshine Loan’ products, so please check them out and borrow the necessary funds.

> SBI Savings Bank Sunshine Loan – Let’s learn about the Sunshine Loan for Office Workers and the Sunshine Loan for the Self-Employed
> Dongwon First Savings Bank Sunshine Loan Loan Target, Conditions, Reviews, Application Methods

Even if you are eligible for Shinhan Savings Bank’s Sunshine Loan product, please refer to the Shinhan Savings Bank website or call the Shinhan Savings Bank Consultation Center (☎1800-3651) before signing the loan. Thank you.
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