쏘카 이용방법 How to make reservations and use Car Sharing Socar Easy even for beginners

쏘카 이용방법Socar App

When you try to use Socar for the first time, it feels more difficult than you think. Let’s take a look at each one step by step. For reference, Socar can be used from one year or more after obtaining a driver’s license and from the age of 21 or older. When using Socar, you can use car sharing at a lower price by checking the coupon, event/benefit menu.

Let’s take a look at what to check after completing your reservation, and what to note and note when using Socar.

If you use Socar once, you can easily use it later. If you haven’t used it yet, try using a car sharing service.

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What is the difference between long-term car rental and new car rental?
It is easy to confuse car leasing and long-term rental of new cars as they seem to be similar concepts. There are similarities, but each has different pros and cons, so it’s good to compare and choose. The difference between car leasing and long-term rental

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