아이폰 html 파일 열기 Open iPhone Secure Mail

Those who do professional work related to web design while running a computer often run or edit with an editor through the html extension. As you browse the Internet for various reasons, you will come across html files more often.

It may be a method mainly used by experts, but it is necessary to know it well because there are times when the general public also needs it. So today, let’s learn how to open html file in a simple and not difficult way! 아이폰 html 파일 열기

What is html?

First of all, before we get into opening html files, let’s go over it in detail. HTML is one of the languages ​​that express the Internet in an era where the Internet has become commonplace due to the development of the Internet and IT devices. It expresses and interprets a web page, and for that, a browser that can be displayed on the screen is required.

Mainly, there is Microsoft Internet Explorer, a basic built-in program in Windows, which is used the most in Korea. There are also Google and Chrome browsers. It can be used in representative web browsers such as Firefox and Safari.

Simple way? JFactory

First, let’s see how to easily open html files in various browsers. First, right-click the html file, click Open with, and then click Chrome or Explorer to check the html file in your Internet browser. Then, the web browser is launched first, and the contents of the html file are displayed on the web browser screen.

Each browser supports different things, so different screens can be displayed. It is recommended to use a newer browser as the file may not be displayed properly if the browser is outdated.

아이폰 html 파일 열기

The most important thing is to use a browser that adheres to web standards. For example, it is recommended to use a browser such as Google Chrome, Apple Safari, or Firefox.

For reference, if you succeed in opening the file, the connected program is automatically remembered in your computer, and the next time you run it, just double-click it to automatically open the browser, so you can view it conveniently.

How to view with notepad and wordpad?

Just open the html file in the same way. Just open it with notepad and check the list of connections.

You can see Wordpad under Notepad. If you place a checkmark in front of the phrase Always use the selected program when opening this type of file, you can open it with that program.

And if you select WordPad, you will be able to see how it is registered as WordPad in the connection list.

Then, the way to modify it is to enter the file after execution and enter in the order of opening. If you change it to all files other than text documents at the bottom, a list that was not there is created. After checking, you can upload and check the contents. Then, you can edit the content you want to edit right away.


How to use the html file open editor? You can open it in Notepad and work as easily as before, but it can be complicated and time consuming to organize. In that case, you can use the editor. If you search for editors on Google or Naver, you can see various styles of tools.

Just choose the style you want and do the work you need. However, it should be noted that job insertion is not supported for images, so you must directly insert the link address into the html source input window. Please also note that tags such as STYLE or APPLET cannot be used.

Want to see a specific source?

If you want to see the specific html tag, open the file, enter the web browser, right-click and click ‘View Page Source’. If you look at the source, you can check JavaScript and CSS information, so it can be a good reference when creating a website or web programming.

If you want to edit the source and check the result, there are many programs that can program the app. Among them, you can use the expression web provided by Microsoft.

If you use this program, you can view the source, edit the source, and even save it, so please refer to it and use it.

I learned how to open all files like this. It’s so simple that you can use it anytime, anywhere. When an error occurs on the homepage, strange coding terms often appear, but this is because they are all in html language. In html, you can draw not only various photos, but also lines and lines, and add colors to create a website you want.

If you know some of the various terms, you will be able to use it more easily, and you will be able to edit the website without any problems. Please refer to this simple method today and use it well without difficulty.

open html file

Insert image link

hello. This is Daddy Yoon. Today, I am going to show you how to open a file and how to insert a simple image link that anyone can follow without any basic knowledge.

<!DOCTYPE html>
<html lang=”en”>
<meta charset=”UTF-8″>
<title>Document title</title>

<p>Put your content here!</p>

※ If you do not have the example source, try copying the source above and following!

First, create a document to test by referring to the above source. I created the above source code and saved it on the desktop.

※ If you are curious about how to create and save a basic web page, please refer to the materials below▼▼

HTMLCSS: Learn how to create web pages
HTMLCSS: Let’s learn how to create a web page Hello 🙂 In the meantime, I wrote about JavaScript object-oriented…

Now let’s see how to open the saved html.

You can also click the document and drag it to Notepad.

First, find the pre-saved file and right-click on it.

① Click the Connected Programs item.

② Click Notepad.

③ Edit the desired content in the notepad and click Save to save the edited content.

I mainly use Visual Studio Code.

If an editor program is installed, it will appear in the Open Programs section as above. As in ②, if you click the installed editor program, as in ③, the editor opens and the corresponding document is opened.

※ You can check the free editor installation in the post below▼▼

HTML Editor 3 Free Editors
Which HTML Editor Should I Use? Hi! This is Daddy Yoon 🙂 This topic is about an HTML editor…

The above two items (notepad, editor) are programs that connect when you want to edit a document. If you simply want to check in a browser, double-click it or click a browser such as Chrome or IE in the connected program as above. If you are not sure, you can refer to the video below.

Let’s see how to insert a link into an image.

Check with your browser to see if the code has been applied.

When the above operation is completed, try running it in a browser. You can see a picture of delicious food like the one above. If you click on the picture, you can see that the window changes to the address you linked.

Today we learned how to open an html file and how to insert a link into a picture. For bloggers, you can put a link in the editor, but you might be wondering what you should know.

However, if you know even a little, you can decorate widgets like the main blog post, and it is useful for running a blog in various ways, so it would be good to learn about the basic functions.