애견동반 휴양림 Dogs, run around to your heart’s content… 4 dog-friendly resorts

애견동반 휴양림The Korea Forest Service announced on the 6th that companion dogs are allowed at one national forest recreation facility each in the Gyeonggi, Gangwon, Gyeongsang, and Jeolla regions during the summer vacation season.
The facilities are Saneum Natural Recreation Forest in Yangpyeong, Gyeonggi, Hwacheon Forest Campground in Gangwon, Geommasan Natural Recreation Forest in Yeongyang, Gyeongbuk, and Cheongwansan Self-Employment Recreation Forest in Jangheung, Jeollanam-do.

Saneum Natural Recreation Forest and Geommasan Natural Recreation Forest have companion dog exercise areas and dedicated play facilities. Cheongwansan Natural Recreation Forest has a companion dog-only walking trail.

Companion dogs that can be accompanied must be at least 6 months old and weigh less than 15 kg. They must have an animal registration number and have completed vaccinations for rabies, etc.

Entry and lodging are restricted for eight breeds of dogs designated as vicious dogs, such as Doberman Pinscher, Pitbull Terrier, and Rottweiler, as well as large dogs weighing over 25 kg. This is to prevent accidents involving companion dogs. Up to two dogs are allowed per room during stay. Only one dog per person is allowed for simple entry. There is no additional charge for bringing a dog.

Reservations can be made through the National Natural Recreation Forest Reservation System (‘Soopnadle e’). The Korea Forest Service selects users on a first-come, first-served basis during weekdays and off-peak seasons, and by lottery during weekends and peak seasons.

Every Tuesday is a regular closing day for pest control such as ticks, so it cannot be used.

The Korea Forest Service has been gradually increasing the number of natural recreation forests that allow pets since 2019.

Commissioner of the Korea Forest Service Nam Seong-hyeon said, “We will thoroughly inspect the facilities to ensure that pets and vacationers can use the recreation forests without inconvenience during this summer vacation season, and we will expand the spaces where pets can be with them.”

Reporter Lee Yu-jeong
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