어린이 비만도 계산기 Child Obesity Calculator

Today, we are going to learn how to use the child obesity calculator and its standards. As the consumption of instant food increases these days, obesity in growing children is increasing. It is important to prevent and manage children’s obesity in advance because it can lead to adult obesity and make them more susceptible to diseases such as adult diseases in the future.

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different types of parenting

This is a professional runner to introduce 🙂

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If children are overweight

Many parents are

I’m worried

Only childhood obesity can really grow taller

Or as adult obesity

I wonder if it will continue

Today’s child obesity calculator

How to use and the risks of childhood obesity

Let’s find out more about

Unlike their parents’ generation, today’s children

Living in an age of plenty of food

Concern about overnutrition and overweight

I’m living with the problem of

Learn the Child Obesity Calculator

If you look at why these symptoms occur

The cause is very simple

much more than consumed

Calorie intake is the main cause

increased food calorie intake

It’s also a problem, but again, almost

Not moving is also a problem.

Everyone stays at home during corona

Since the lower grades, children

Going outside to play with your cell phone

A lot of times I don’t do it at all.

After all, high calories and frequent eating out or delivery food

And, combined with lack of exercise, obesity in children

It is on the rise

You need to know the percentage of obesity in children

Find out if you are overweight and get rid of it

Calculator if you can try

Let’s see how to use it

First choose male and female gender

height, weight, and age

After entering, press the Calculate button.

Calculator BMI (Body Mass Index)

That is, body mass index, BMI,

If it is less than 5, you are underweight, and if it is more than 5 and less than 85,

Normal weight, 85 or more and less than 95 are overweight,

95 or less can be considered obese.

However, this criterion depends on age and gender.

Obesity standards are different, and children grow faster

It’s fast, so it can change quickly, so the schedule

It’s good to check every cycle.

Through child obesity calculation,

If you check your weight status, a healthy body and

You need to lose weight in order to grow.

In the case of childhood obesity, various diseases

It’s easy to get, and even as an adult, it’s easier than you think

A lot of times it doesn’t go well.

Interestingly, obesity is hereditary.

And even if there is no inheritance

Parents share the same eating habits

If you are obese, 80% of your children are also obese.

40% chance if one of the parents is obese

If both are thin, the odds of the child being obese are

It is known that the probability is about 7%.

It’s a pity, moms and dads

Developing more knowledge in this area

I think we need to stop the passing of the flesh.

A closer look at the risk of obesity

Slightly taller than peers, but

Early onset of puberty and precocious puberty

More and more people are coming

All childhood obesity goes by height, so don’t worry

There are some people, ever since I was young

Even if the chubby children become adults

You are more likely to be overweight

If you are overweight for a long time, fatty liver, high blood pressure,

Hypercholesterolemia, cardiovascular disease, respiratory

disease, depression, social maladjustment, etc.

can happen in a variety of ways

Children with childhood obesity become simple obese

As time goes by, you can go to the normal key

But in many cases it is not

The result that no one gets taller

I can’t guarantee or be sure. so

Because of this, there is always a need to manage

If losing weight is difficult from the beginning, the first thing to do is

In the direction of not getting fatter through diet control

How to gradually reduce

The safest and healthiest

Obesity in children and how to use the calculator,

And I knew the danger.

Be more sensitive to overnourished children

I knew I had to manage

Problems with children of younger ages

But weight gain is the root cause of all diseases.

Be sure to be aware of the risks and live more

We need to prevent getting burned

Only through an active mind and practice

Obesity in children may also prevent the spread

Therefore, prevention and weight loss

I hope you take care of your health problems!