영어 이름 변환 English name converter

영어 이름 변환life information

When you make a passport, or when you make a card, or even when you get a loan, you need an English name.
There are times when you are worried about making an English name for the first time, or even if you have already made it, you wonder if this is correct.

caution! Once set, the English name on the passport cannot be changed.
Unless it’s a really bad English meaning.

Learn how to convert Korean names to English names.

If you type ‘Korean name to English conversion’ in Naver, the English conversion site appears.

I’ll leave a link below so you can get right in.

Korean Name English Conversion: Naver Integrated Search
These are the results of Naver’s integrated search for ‘Korean name to English conversion’.

I typed ‘Kim Ha-neul’ as an example.

I recommend Gim Haneul or Kim Haneul.
For Kim, you can use either Gim or Kim.
Kim is more commonly used.

Above, Kim Ha-neul was easy because it was a case where you had to choose either Gim or Kim.
I’ll type Jeon Ji-hyun.
As shown below, 10 candidates are reported, and they are arranged in order of frequency of use.

I want to come up with an English name.
If so, you can use the 10th name.
You may also get confused and get in trouble when you go through immigration because the name on your passport is different from the name on the immigration card.
I can’t even speak, how can I explain my circumstances?

“I was confused about my name too, so I typed it down.” TT

Choose the most common English name.
Jun Jihyun is read like ‘Jun Jihyun’ for some reason, which is awkward.
It’s not too awkward for foreigners, but it’s a case where Koreans get confused.

When going on a business trip abroad, there are cases in which the name is called in advance by wire to register the visitor.
Even in this case, if it is an unusual name, it is sure to be a typo.
Are you a different person than your passport? If so, it’s twisted again.

Once at immigration, once again when visiting a customer
I’ve been on a business trip with someone who takes it twice.
Boss, I can’t say anything. he

I recommend choosing Jeon Jihyun as number 1.

In the case of proper nouns, there are cases where you have to express them as they are pronounced in English.
It’s awkward to say Namdaemun as ‘South great door’.
If you convert ‘Namdaemun’ into English with a sound, how would you write it?

When using it as a name, the law to mark Namdaemun as a national historic site is different.

It must be one of Nam Daemoon and Nam Daemum.

Click on any name on the link.
First, if you press Nam Daemoon

This tells us that NamDaemun is correct.
Are you kind?

Above, we learned how to change the English name.
Traveling abroad is blocked because of the corona virus, but I want to get a passport soon and go on an overseas trip.
Make a good English name according to the method described above, and have a good trip~

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