영유아 건강검진 문진표 작성 및 결과표 출력 방법 How to fill out the health examination questionnaire for infants and toddlers and print out the result sheet

Let’s look at how to create an infant health checkup questionnaire and print out the result sheet. Just as adults receive health checkups once a year, young infants and toddlers also receive health checkups regularly. At this time, the infant health checkup is conducted. After this test is done, you will receive a medical questionnaire. You can think of it as a diagnosis that contains a lot of health information.

영유아 건강검진 문진표

Did you know about the health checkup program for infants and toddlers provided by the state? It is said that it is provided free of charge depending on the age of infants and young children. We will tell you how to receive a health checkup for infants and toddlers who can find health problems early by knowing when to check-up your child as soon as possible.

Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
When to check up on infants and toddlers
Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
Health checkup for infants and toddlers is a health checkup program for each stage of growth targeting infants from 14 days old to 71 months old.영유아 건강검진 문진표

Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
Application for PC version of health checkup questionnaire for infants and young children
As a result of the 2017 infant health checkup targeting 100 people, about 15 were said to have received a judgment requiring caution or precise evaluation. If infant health problems are detected early, the chances of remission are very high. However, it is more important to have a health checkup sheet for infants because there are many difficulties in treatment if it is not detected early due to missing the period of health checkup.


For your child, you should get a health checkup for infants and toddlers as soon as possible. The National Infant Health Checkup Program provides free benefits, so apply for a health checkup as soon as possible.

Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
1. Access the ‘National Health Insurance’ website

National Health Insurance Link


2. Inquiry for infants and young children’s health checkup: Health iN – Family health management – Inquiry of test subjects

Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
If you are a test subject, you should know the hospital near your house where your child can receive a health checkup for infants and toddlers.

3. Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire Hospital Inquiry: Health iN – Family Health Management – Find Examination Institution/Hospital

Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
Now that you know which hospital is available near your home, let’s make a reservation for an infant health checkup questionnaire.


4. Reservation for health checkup: checkup available by visiting the hospital or by phone

Before visiting the hospital, you must fill out the health checkup for infants and get a registration number.


5. Fill out a medical questionnaire in advance and issue a registration number

Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
Infant Health Checkup Questionnaire
Application for mobile version of health checkup questionnaire for infants and young children
You can also easily apply for a mobile version.