예스24 티켓팅 연습 Ticketing 6th year ticketing + ticketing practice game & tips (Let’s beat the macro!)

예스24 티켓팅 연습That’s why I’m going to give you a very small but pretty good tip to counter macros:)
I’ve been doing fanfare all this time, and I bought tickets for 90% myself, so I went.
It would be nice to refer to it when ticketing to some extent!

Ticketing practice game

In fact, ticketing is 98% luck and 2% skill, the difference between success and failure!
However, that 2% is also a very valuable percentage for fans, so I think it’s good to practice to a certain extent to click quickly. Of course, thanks to this practice game! It’s not helpful enough to do it, but I think it will help to some extent to solve this problem because one of the reasons for every ticketing failure is when you shake your hand and click on something strange 🙂

Goo Goo Fun
Where ticketing is fun
If you go inside, you can practice ticketing by site, such as auction, yes24, and melon tickets!

How to ticket

In my case, I usually use auction tickets a lot, so I’ll explain based on auction tickets first:)
The difference between auction and other ticketing is that 1. You must enter a captcha 2. You must not refresh
There are only these, but even if you are ticketing on other sites, there is no big difference other than these two!

So, let’s start with the ticketing process.

▲ Access the Auction Ticket website. (You must enter with an auction ticket, not an auction)

▲ After entering the ticket window you want to reserve, select the date and time and click “Reservation”.
If you just look at this, you may think, “What is the tip?”, but if you click until you make a reservation like this, that click will continue to be caught because you make a reservation. That’s why you can hit enter repeatedly! If you hold down the enter key, it will automatically press it.
When ticketing is usually done at 8:00, I usually start hitting the enter from 7:59:55.

▲ Then, as shown above, the number of people waiting will appear and you must start waiting!
(Seeing 0 people waiting on the actual ticketing screen is picking stars from the sky)

▲ When you finish waiting and enter in earnest, the auction ticket will face a captcha.
For reference, uppercase and lowercase letters don’t matter, so typing as quickly as possible is key!! Also, input completion is recognized by clicking with the mouse. When I press enter, the screen does not go beyond!

▲ As soon as you enter, quickly enter the area where you can see grapes (vacant seats) and take a seat.
It’s a tip, not a tip, but it’s a good idea to roughly estimate ‘I’ll be able to book a ticket somewhere’ in advance from the time you look at the waiting number. Of course, you must have a plan of where to book tickets beforehand, but from the moment you start ticketing, that plan disappears..!

In the auction, Seon-Jwa Lee doesn’t show up and from the moment he gets a seat like that, that seat becomes mine! You can grab a seat first and search for a better seat 🙂 However, we do not strongly recommend it to prevent mishaps such as unexpected bounces! However, if you use it well, it can bring you good luck!

Here’s the overall ticketing method!

However, you can never be vigilant until the reservation completion appears on the screen above.
So unconditionally! must! We recommend depositing without bankbook 🙂
If you want to pay with a credit card later, you can also edit it, so be sure to make a deposit without a bankbook to reduce the risk of bounce and complete ticketing in the fastest and safest way!

I’ve got all the seats, but it’s impossible to bounce from the payment window..
So please be sure to prepare for the bounce in advance.

Especially the payment module? If you are asked to install the same thing in the middle, the ticketing is ruined.
It’s better to enter another ticket window in advance and complete the payment by deposit without a bankbook, and then introduce real ticketing.
Of course, if you don’t intend to go to that other ticket, you should show the courtesy of canceling it right away!!
I’ve looked at ticketing methods and honey tips so far. I hope it helps and I hope you succeed in ticketing 🙂

예스24 티켓팅 연습
