요양보호사 자격증 재발급 Korea Health and Medical Personnel Examination Institute Customer Communication > frequently asked questions

요양보호사 자격증 재발급Click on the link to the Nursing Care Practitioner Qualification Test on the National Health Service Center website, log in, and apply by following the procedures in [Qualification/Certificate] – [Application for Certificate Issuance].

2. In the case of educational institution personnel

Click on the Nursing Care Practitioner Qualification Test link on the National Research Institute website, log in to the educational institution, and apply by following the procedures at [Go to the Nursing Care Practitioner Certification Issuance Homepage] – [Application for Certification Issuance].

However, since the National Provincial Council only issues new nursing care worker certificates, in case of re-issuance, please contact the “city/province that has jurisdiction over the nursing care training institution” where you completed the certificate.

요양보호사 자격증 재발급
