우리카드 분실신고 How to report the loss of Woori Card, reissue or cancel it What is the customer center number?

우리카드 분실신고When you lose your wallet, it is more dangerous and more annoying than losing money.

In the case of those who use our card, we will briefly summarize how to report it and how to reissue and cancel it.

As a method of using the Woori Bank Customer Center ARS, you can report it through the customer center representative number 1588-9955 or 1599-9955.

In fact, it is the simplest method, and if you are connected through the phone, you can report it through number 8.

Of course, it is possible to reissue the card immediately, so you can use it if necessary.

What if you lost your phone along with your card?

In this case, you can use the method of reporting through the Woori Card website.

First, access the Woori Card website, log in, and select MY > My Card Management > Lost Report/Reissue/Cancellation from the top menu.

In fact, it’s the simplest and most convenient way, but it doesn’t require a phone connection.

You can proceed by selecting the lost card and reporting the loss, and you can reissue and cancel the card through the top tab.

You can also report the loss of your card through a mobile application that has become simpler these days.

First, launch the app and click the All menu in the upper right corner.

Loss report can be done through MY > My Card Management > Lost Report/Reissue/Cancellation, just like on the homepage.

Basically, there are many cases where a reissue is requested along with a loss report.

Once an application for reissuance has been processed, it cannot be canceled unless it is on the same day.

The reason I am saying this is because, in general, once the card is reissued, it cannot be used even if the previously used card is found later.

In particular, in the case of a discontinued card, it may not be reissued and replaced with another card, so you may not be able to use the card you used usefully.

Therefore, if the card is not lost and you do not know where it is located, it is recommended to request a temporary suspension rather than a reissue, and request a reissue after searching for it.

In the case of cancellation method, it can be used through the same route as the previous loss report.

If you click MY > Manage My Card > Report Loss/Reissue/Cancellation in the entire menu for both PC and mobile, you can check the card deletion tab at the top.

It can be canceled through this place, so please refer to it and use it.

First of all, as I mentioned earlier in the report of loss, the representative numbers of the Woori Card customer center are 1588-9955 and 1599-9955. In addition, when using financial services, there are dedicated numbers 1577-9000 and 1599-6300 for card payment only.

In the case of a representative number, you can proceed faster by pressing the number as shown in the figure below after connecting.

This time, we learned how to report the loss of Woori Card, precautions when reissuing, and how to use the Woori Card Customer Center.

I had never talked about the number while looking at various ways to use Woori Card.

If there is anything you need, please check it again and we will finish the contents.

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