우체국 익일특급 시간 Post office next-day express (fast registration) time, price, and sending method

우체국 익일특급 시간Post Office Next Day Express is a postal service that arrives the next day in most cases except for island areas with a delivery date of 1 to 2 days. It is also called fast registration because it is delivered faster than regular registration. Holidays and public holidays are excluded from the delivery period.

Post office business hours ⓒPost Office website

Just visit the nearest post office and apply. Even if you don’t have an envelope, you can purchase it at the post office, so you can mail it right away. The large envelope costs 100 won in cash, so be sure to bring coins. Post office hours are 09:00 – 18:00. Please note that financial services close at 16:30 and postal services until 18:00.

Also, each post office has different reception deadlines. Usually, the reception closes at 17:00, and after the deadline, it can be delivered from the next day, so if you have urgent registration, you should visit the post office early.

Overnight Express Registered Envelope

All you have to do is write the address and phone number of the recipient and the sender on a large envelope and submit it by express next day. Reception is complete after weighing and paying the fee. These days, registered registration or delivery status is sent to KakaoTalk Notification Talk. It’s a really comfortable world. In addition, you can check the delivery from time to time with the registration number.

You might be worried that the price is too expensive because it is a next-day express. It was cheaper than I thought. Instead of arriving faster than regular registration, it costs 1,000 won. The price range varies depending on the weight, but for general mail, you can expect it to be in the upper half of 3,000 won.

Rate table by postal weight ⓒPost Office website

I was on the next day express from Seoul to Gwangju. I applied in the afternoon of the previous day, and was registered at 2:00 pm the next day. When you’re in a hurry, there’s nothing like registering for the next-day express. If you are more urgent than the next day express, there is also a same-day express service, so please refer to it.

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우체국 익일특급 시간
