운전적성정밀검사 Gyeonggi-do Personal Cargo Transport Business Association


Apply by visiting 15 qualification testing centers nationwide

Korea Transportation Safety Authority website

Korea Transportation Safety Authority Customer Satisfaction Center (1577-0990)
Press 0 to reserve an agent

New inspection (25,000 won), special inspection (20,000 won), qualification maintenance inspection (20,000 won)

Bring your ID card, fee, and glasses if you wear glasses.

TEL1577-0990 (Korea Transportation Safety Authority Customer Satisfaction Center)

Article 8 of the Freight Vehicle Transportation Business Act and Article 18-2 of the Enforcement Rules

Gyeonggi-do Personal Cargo Transport Business Association
Representative: Yang Hee-myeong
Business registration number: 135-82-00767
16304 66, Manseok-ro 210beon-gil, Jangan-gu, Suwon-si, Gyeonggi-do (Songjuk-dong)
TEL: 031-255-0808
FAX: 031-254-4784
E-mail: gg-yd@naver.com

Copyright ⓒ 2020 Gyeonggi-do Personal Cargo Transport Business Association All Rights Reserved.

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Please keep in mind that any violation of this will result in criminal punishment under the Information and Communications Network Act.

