일용직 실업급여 신청방법 및 조건 How to apply for daily worker unemployment benefits and conditions

One of the questions many people ask is whether daily workers can receive unemployment benefits. General workers can receive unemployment benefits because they are required to sign up for employment insurance. However, the basic requirements must be met, so I will write this for those who are curious about whether daily workers can receive unemployment benefits or not.

일용직 실업급여

일용직 실업급여

A summary of how to receive unemployment benefits if you apply for daily workers. Find out the conditions.
A summary of how to receive unemployment benefits if you apply for daily workers. Find out the conditions.

A summary of how to receive unemployment benefits if you apply for daily workers. Find out the conditions.
In general, the type of work most people do as daily workers is daily work. In other words, you can think of them as people who provide work on a daily basis and are paid a daily wage rather than a monthly or weekly salary. With the revision of the law in 2004, it became mandatory for all daily workers to subscribe to employment insurance.


Daily workers eligible for employment insurance
A day worker is defined as a worker employed for a period of less than one month. There are construction workers (scaffolding workers, bricklayers, carpenters, welders, etc.) that we are familiar with, and others include delivery workers at Chinese restaurants, meal prep workers, kitchen assistants at restaurants, and people employed during sales periods at department stores. However, even if wages are calculated or paid on a daily basis, if the employment contract period is longer than one month, the worker cannot be called a daily worker.


Learn about the benefits of signing up for daily worker employment insurance.

– Unemployment benefits: You can receive unemployment benefits if your insured unit period is more than 180 days in total during the 18 months prior to the date of job change and the number of days worked in the month prior to the date of application for eligibility is less than 10 days.

– Job placement: You can receive job placement for re-employment.

– Payment of training fees and allowances: If an unemployed person receives re-employment training, training fees and training allowances may be provided.


What are the conditions for daily workers to receive unemployment benefits?
Many people may think that they will not receive unemployment benefits, but daily workers can also apply if they meet the requirements. Please refer to the following when applying.

Supply and demand requirements are as follows.

First of all, the insured unit period must be more than 180 days in total during the 18 months prior to the date of job change for recognition of eligibility for benefits, and the number of days worked in the month prior to the date of application for eligibility for benefits must be less than 10 days. In other words, the interpretation is that you must sign up for employment insurance of 180 or more before you are fired, and the number of days worked in the month before the date of application must be less than 10 days. However, as an exception, construction day workers can apply if they have no work history for 14 consecutive days prior to the date of application for recognition of eligibility.

Second, if you are unable to find a job despite having the will and ability to work, you must actively engage in re-employment activities (job search or self-employment preparation activities).

Thirdly, I changed jobs. If you quit your job of your own volition, such as from a self-employed job, or if you were fired with pay due to reasons attributable to you, you cannot receive unemployment benefits. The serious causes of fault mentioned here are (if you are fired after receiving a sentence of imprisonment or higher for violating the criminal law or job-related laws / if you are fired because you caused enormous property damage to the company due to embezzlement of public funds, leakage of company secrets, destruction of property, etc. / without justifiable reasons) This applies to cases of dismissal due to long-term absenteeism.)


Find out about the period and payment amount of unemployment benefits for daily workers.
When calculating unemployment benefits for daily workers, like regular workers, the benefit period is first checked through the worker’s age and insurance period, and the expected benefit amount can be calculated by calculating the average wage used when calculating unemployment benefits.


Check the age and insurance period of the daily worker.
Age and grooming period Less than 1 year More than 1 year but less than 3 years More than 3 years but less than 5 years More than 5 years but less than 10 years More than 10 years
Under 50 years old 120 days 150 days 180 days 210 days 240 days
Over 50 years old and disabled: 120 days 180 days 210 days 240 days 270 days
Daily workers can also check the number of days of benefits (number of days of unemployment benefit payment) by checking the number of days they changed jobs and how long the insured period is. To put that table as an example, if a 55-year-old worker has an insured period of 5 years and 6 months, he or she is 5 years or older and less than 10 years old, and is 50 years or older, so he or she can receive unemployment benefits for 240 days. .


How much is the daily unemployment benefit for daily workers?
And the next thing you might be curious about is how much support you will receive per day.

After checking the number of days of payment, you can check the daily unemployment benefit amount. It is said that the amount of unemployment benefits paid to daily workers, like regular workers, is determined by the average wage. In 2022, the daily wage level of unemployment benefits for daily workers will be 60% of the average wage.

The simple calculation is calculated as the total wages for the 3 months excluding the last 1 month out of the 4 months before the date of job change / the total number of days over the 3 months excluding the last 1 month out of the 4 months before the date of job change. However, since there is an upper and lower limit, you do not need to worry too much. The daily upper limit of unemployment benefits in 2022 is 66,000 won, and the daily lower limit is 60,120 won.


Example of daily worker average wage calculation

[February (1.3 million won) + March (1.5 million won) + April (1.4 million won)]/(28 days + 31 days + 30 days) = approximately 47,000 won.

The amount of 60% of this 47,000 won would be approximately 28,000 won. This amount is not paid, and the daily unemployment benefit payment for daily workers has a lower limit of 60,120 won, so even if the average amount is less than this, it is considered the lower limit. You will receive support.

In other words, the daily unemployment benefit amount is 60,120 won.


Ultimately, in the case of daily workers, the average wage is calculated from the wages of February, March, and April, excluding the wages of May, as it is 3 months out of 4 months from the date of job change, excluding the month that includes the day of job change. The total amount is calculated by multiplying the benefit amount by the number of prescribed benefit days. For worker A who is 55 years old, the final amount is 60,120 won multiplied by 240 days, so the total expected benefit amount is 14,428,800 won.


How to apply for unemployment benefits for daily workers
Daily workers who are eligible to receive unemployment benefits must visit the employment center in their jurisdiction of residence with an identification card such as a resident registration card or driver’s license to report unemployment. To report unemployment, you can apply for a job online through Worknet, then visit an employment security agency, fill out an application for recognition of eligibility, and submit it. You will be notified of a decision on whether or not you are eligible to receive benefits within two weeks after application.

If you are recognized as eligible to receive benefits, you can receive job-seeking benefits by attending the employment center in person on a day designated by the head of the employment security agency every 1 to 4 weeks from the date of reporting unemployment and receiving recognition for unemployment.

When you finally finish,

Even if you are a daily worker, you can receive unemployment benefits if you sign up for employment insurance and meet the eligibility requirements. I think there are still many people who don’t know. If you read this and find it helpful, please share it with your friends.