2023 임영웅 콘서트 티켓팅 성공하는 방법 How to succeed in ticketing for the 2023 Lim Young-woong concert

Lim Young-woong’s nationwide concert is scheduled to begin in October 2023. Most Lim Young-woong fans are in their 50s or older, so their children will help their parents buy tickets. However, one way to enjoy Lim Young-woong’s concert is to buy tickets on your own without your child’s help.


임영웅 콘서트 티켓팅

임영웅 콘서트 티켓팅

This time, we will take the time to learn more about Lim Young-woong’s concert schedule, ticket prices, and tips on how to reserve tickets for the national tour.



Youngwoong Lim-Concert-Price


2023 Lim Young-woong Concert Ticketing Schedule

Tickets for Lim Young-woong’s concert are available online and can be reserved according to the ticket opening time.


Lim Young-woong concert ticket reservations can only be made on the Interpark Ticket website.

Ticketing schedules vary by region. The reservation time is the same as ‘Thursday 8 PM’.


Please check the table below for Lim Young-woong’s concert ticketing schedule by region!


Regional Ticketing Schedule
Seoul 2023.09.14 (Thursday)
Daegu 2023.10.05 (Thursday)
Busan 2023.10.19 (Thursday)
Daejeon 2023.11.02 (Thursday)
Gwangju 2023.11.16 (Thursday)


I’m Hero – Replay

Youngwoong Lim – Fan Cafe

Lim Young-woong Concert IM HERO TOUR 2023 Seoul Basic Information
Overview: Concert
Concert period: 2023.10.27~2023.11.05
Concert time: October 27, November 3, 19:30 / October 28, 29, November 4, November 5, 18:00
Location: KSPO DOME

The region with the highest competition rate for the 2023 Lim Young-woong Concert is Seoul. Although the concert period is long, it is expected that ticketing will be the most difficult due to the large population in Seoul.


Youngwoong Lim Concert-Seoul


Lim Young-woong Concert IM HERO TOUR 2023 Daegu Basic Information
Period: Sunday, November 24, 2023 – Sunday, November 26, 2023
Time: 11/24 19:30, 11/25~26 18:00
Location: EXCO Dongguan


Lim Young-woong Concert IM HERO TOUR 2023 Busan Basic Information
Period: December 8, 2023 ~ December 10, 2023
Time: Friday 19:30, Saturday and Sunday 18:00
Location: BEXCO Exhibition Hall 1, Halls 1 and 2


Lim Young-woong Concert-Busan


Lim Young-woong Concert IM HERO TOUR 2023 Daejeon Basic Information
Period: December 8, 2023 ~ December 10, 2023
Time: Friday 19:30, Saturday, Sunday 18:00
Location: DDC Daejeon Convention Center Exhibition Hall 2

Lim Young-woong Concert-Daejeon


Lim Young-woong Concert IM HERO TOUR 2023 Gwangju Basic Information
Period: January 5 – January 7, 2024
Time: Friday 19:30, Saturday and Sunday 18:00
Venue: Kimdaejung Convention Center

Youngwoong Lim-Concert-Gwangju




Lim Young-woong concert ticketing tips

Lim Young-woong’s concerts are well known for being difficult to reserve. However, this does not mean that there is no way, so please refer to the ticketing tips below to ensure success.



1. Practice ticketing sufficiently.


These days, there are many free sites where you can practice ticketing. If you use a simulation in advance, you can purchase tickets more efficiently on the day of the concert.


Googupun-Go here


2. Use both PC and smartphone apps.


In fact, it is difficult to predict whether a smartphone or a PC will be faster when purchasing tickets. Therefore, you need to use both for ticketing. If you don’t have a high-performance PC at home, one good option is to visit a PC room near your home that has a high-performance PC.



Interpark ticket app
📌Go to Android 📌Go to iPhone


3. Use a clock site that matches the server time


When reserving Interpark tickets, you must use a clock that matches the server time. Nowadays, it is convenient to use the second clock site suitable for the server as it is provided for free.


Ticketing stopwatch site



2023 Lim Young-woong concert price

Price: VIP seats 165,000 won, SR seats 154,000 won, R seats 143,000 won, S seats 121,000 won


On August 29th, a teaser for Lim Young-woong’s 2023 Lim Young-woong concert was released on Lim Young-woong’s YouTube channel. The teaser video clearly shows that this is a concert that has been carefully prepared for a very long time.


So far, we have looked at Lim Young-woong Concert 2023 price schedule and ticketing tips in detail.