자대배치조회 및 신병부대배치조회(육군,해군,공군,해병대) Unit placement inquiry and new unit placement inquiry (Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine Corps)

There is a place that every able-bodied man in Korea must go to. It’s the military. In order to fulfill the duty of national defense, you are trained as a trainee for a certain period of time for your country, are assigned to a unit, and serve for a certain period of time.



If we spend a short period of time as a trainee, our beloved child or lover will be assigned to the unit where they will actually spend the remaining period.


We wonder where we are actually deployed. There is a way to check this and I would like to share it with you. It is not always possible to check your unit placement, so please check the information below and check it easily and quickly.



For your information, I have finished my civil defense service, but sometimes I dream of the military. I’m still meeting the same classmates I met back in those days when I was a little scared. The military is also home to some of the most energetic people in this country, so I hope that they will do well and be discharged in good health, and if possible, I hope that my loved one will receive a good(?) assignment.

Stay healthy wherever you are!!! He will come back as a great man, so you can have some expectations.



Check unit placement confirmation



First of all, before you are assigned to your unit, you need some time to break away from your civilian lifestyle habits. You will need time to adjust to the military. Also, when you are assigned to a unit, you will need time at the training center to play more than just one role as an army soldier.


Once you have completed 5 weeks of basic military training, you will be deployed to your unit.



The trainee who completed the training camp in good health has now become a strong soldier.



To check unit deployment, you must access the official website of the Republic of Korea Army and enter a specific menu.




Next, search for ‘Army’ or Republic of Korea Army on the Naver portal site.




When you visit the Army’s official website, you will see a screen like the one above.



You can see various menus ranging from army introduction to data room. If you look around for a moment, there is a space where you can see photos and videos of the current Army.







Unit placement inquiry (new recruit unit placement inquiry)
If you search the portal for Army unit placement inquiry, you can go to a page where you can check the placement results of new recruits from the Republic of Korea Army.


They say the tiger is the main emblem of the army. The name is Hoguk. It’s cool.~



If you access the Republic of Korea Army website searched above, you will be provided with a menu that allows you to check the placement of new recruits. There are two ways.



1. Top menu

2. Frequently used menus




If you hover your mouse over the top menu, you will see an item called ‘People’s Square’ > ‘New Troop Placement Inquiry’. You can also click on the corresponding item.


As shown in the picture below, you can click on the new unit placement inquiry with a magnifying glass icon in the ‘Frequently Used Menu’ on the main page of the homepage.



The timing of unit placement guidance varies slightly depending on the unit in which you are enlisted and the training unit. As shown in the table below, the guidance period is different. It would be good to know which unit your boyfriend or child enlisted in here.


Information on the Army Training Center will be announced at 12:00 on Tuesday of the 6th week after completing 5 weeks of training. The Ground Operations Command Recruit Training Battalion opens at 14:00 on Friday of the 2nd week of enlistment, the 2nd Operations Command Recruit Training Battalion opens at 16:00 on Thursday of the 5th week of enlistment, the Service School opens at 12:00 on Wednesday during the curriculum (weeks 1 and 2), and the Transportation Training Regiment (Drivers) opens at 12:00 on Friday. Depending on the small/medium/large vehicle, you will be notified at 12:30 on Wednesday of the week of completion.



If you search for new recruits’ unit placement according to the schedule provided above, you will be able to check the results of a fair unit classification online.



Just enter all required fields. By entering your name, date of birth, enlistment date, enlistment unit, etc. and clicking the ‘Search’ button, we will know which unit our precious children and friends will be assigned to and where they will live.



Of course, if it is not easy to search online, it is also possible to inquire directly by phone. However, there are available times on weekdays, and you can make inquiries by avoiding lunch hours.


Please note, although it is a weekday, consultation hours are different on Wednesdays. It seems like I’m doing sports activities. I also remember that during my military days, I did physical education on Wednesdays.


Lastly, if you don’t have a PC, you can also search using your smartphone. Of course, you can also access the official website of the Republic of Korea Army. Another option is to install a separate app.


To check with your mobile phone, install an app called ‘The Camp’, find the unit placement inquiry function, and search in the same way.




Today, we introduced you to how to check the unit placement of your children or loved ones through the new unit placement inquiry function on the Republic of Korea Army website.