자동차세 조회방법 및 납부방법 How to check and pay car tax

Automobile tax is a tax that everyone must pay equally, even if they do not actually drive, as long as the vehicle is registered in their name. Automobile tax is a local tax paid to local governments rather than a national tax, but since it is strictly a tax, non-payment can result in the license plate being removed, which is virtually the same as not being able to drive.

자동차세 조회

자동차세 조회


For vehicles whose annual tax amount exceeds 100,000 won, automobile tax is paid twice regularly in June (taxation period: 1/1 to 6/30) and December (taxation period: 7/1 to 12/31). For compact cars, trucks, vans, etc., with an annual tax amount of less than 100,000 won, a full year’s worth of automobile tax is levied in June. If you pay the annual automobile tax in a lump sum by applying for annual automobile tax payment in January, March, June, and September, you can receive a discount of up to 6.4% as of 2023.


How to check and pay car tax | Witax homepage

Search the homepage using the keyword [Witax] on portals such as Naver, Daum, and Google.
Witax site access
Click the [Login] link in the category menu located at the top of the screen.


Select login method (Choose between member login/non-member login)
Member login is available after registering as a member.
When you sign up as a member, you can use all the services provided by Witax.

When selecting member login: Select member login item → Select identity authentication method (select from simple authentication/joint certificate/financial certificate/SMS authentication/Digital One Pass/QR code authentication) → Login
Simple authentication: Supports KB Mobile Certificate/Payco/Telecom Pass (SKT/KT/LG U+)/Samsung Pass/KakaoTalk/Shinhan Certificate/Naver Authentication


From the category menu at the top, click [Pay >> Local Tax]
Click the [Search] button
The inquiry period can be set up to 10 years.

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Check search results
Automobile tax is displayed as automobile tax (automobile) in the tax details and is searched.
Confirm tax details, taxpayer name, amount, payment due date, local government, and electronic payment number
The electronic payment number can be confirmed on the payment invoice sent from the local government or through the local government in charge.

When paying the searched automobile tax: Check the automobile tax (automobile) item → click the [Payment] button
Choose between member payment or third party payment
When choosing to pay as a member, payment can only be made to an account or card in the name of the registered member.
If you choose to pay with a third party, you can pay with a card or account in the other person’s name.
If you do not pay the automobile tax on time by the payment due date, you will have to pay an additional 3% penalty.

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Check payment amount
Select payment method (Choose between bank payment/card payment/simple payment)
Car tax payment
Confirm payment date/payment amount after payment is completed

After payment is completed, you can check the receipt from the payment confirmation menu.
If you have paid automobile tax in advance and have transferred ownership of the automobile or scrapped it, you can receive a refund based on the pro-rata calculation of the period of ownership of the automobile.
However, since automobile tax is calculated on a pro rata basis, if the vehicle is scrapped or ownership is transferred after the tax base date, the tax may be levied on a rolling basis by calculating the number of days used up to the scrap date or transfer date.


Annual car tax payment | Discount rate (tax credit rate)

If you pay the annual automobile tax amount in advance by applying for annual automobile tax payment, you can receive a certain amount of discount on the tax amount corresponding to the period after the payment due date. The annual automobile tax reporting and payment period is available from the 16th to the end of the year, and occurs four times a year: January, March, June, and September. You can apply for annual payments through Wi-Tax or by phone within the reporting payment period, and there are no disadvantages to not making annual payments.


For vehicles with an annual tax amount of less than 100,000 won, annual payment applications can only be made in January and March.

Report/payment period Deduction period
January (1.16-1.31) January-December
March (3.16~3.31) April~December
June (6.16~6.30) July~December
September (9.16-9.30) October-December

The discount rate that can be deducted when applying for annual automobile tax payment decreases every year through step adjustments for five years. In 2021-22, the deduction rate was 10%, but in 2023, it is 7%, in 2024, it is 5%, and after 2025, the deduction rate is 3%. It is expected to be adjusted up to %. Therefore, in 2023, even if you apply in January, you can only receive a tax credit of up to about 6.4% of your annual tax amount.