자동차 환급금 car refund

Did you know that when you buy a car, you only pay taxes, but there is an amount you can get back? If you own a car that is more than 5 years old, you should pay attention to the car refund. For those who are too busy to move around, today’s content will cover in detail how you can easily find your refund online, other than visiting the bank.


자동차 환급금


Table of Contents

car bond refund
Changes in unrefunded regional development bonds
How to look up auto bond refunds
Auto Refund Online Bank Classification by Region 자동차 환급금


car bond refund 좋은뉴스
When you purchase a car, you register the car with the local government, and at this time, you need to purchase ‘regional development bonds (public bonds)’. Usually, if you hold a bond for more than 5 years, you will get a refund. Depending on where you live, the price of the vehicle, and engine displacement, the amount of the bond is determined differently.


The bonds you purchase can provide financial help to local transportation, education, waterworks, etc., and at the same time, you can get refunds back, so it’s like killing two birds with one stone.

However, most of them do not know the information about the refund because the amount of the car is not easy and the double spending becomes burdensome with the purchase of bonds, so many people sell immediately. In this case, there is no car refund, and the bond is sold at a discount if it is sold immediately, so you have to take a loss.

Changes in unrefunded regional development bonds
Classification Before improvement After improvement
Receivables due to maturity (refund) Direct visit to bank window (refund) Direct visit, online repayment, financial institution site mobile app
Concern about extinction of refund due to oblivion of bond holdings, difficulties in visiting banks, etc.
(Information) Notification of Jachitande (Refund) Even if you forget to hold bonds, automatic deposit into your account when bonds expire
(Information) Added individual information at maturity

apply online

From March 2022, it has been improved and you can apply for a refund through the Vault Bank (a bank that transacts when paying local taxes) website or mobile app (application). Now, it is possible to inquire and refund through a PC or mobile phone without having to move directly.


Automatic deposit of refund

From March 2022, if you newly purchase regional development bonds, a system has been set up so that you can receive a refund even if you forget the bond expiration date by automatically depositing them into your account at the time of bond maturity without a fee.



How to look up auto bond refunds
Regional development bond refund inquiry

You can easily view and apply by downloading the NH Banking app from the Play Store. However, if there is no refund to be refunded, the phrase ‘No inquiry has been found’ appears.


Run the NH Banking mobile app
NH banking login
Click on the top right ≡
account management
regional development bond
Unpaid debt inquiry/repayment

NH banking-app-unpaid-receivable-inquiry-repayment
NH Banking-App

Bond Purchase History Inquiry

If you are curious about why there is no car bond refund, you can check it out by looking at the bond purchase history. Since the simple inquiry has a bond issue number, it is moved to the full inquiry to inquire.


If the phrase ‘sell immediately’ appears, you will not get any refunds because you sold the bonds at the bond discount at the time you purchased the car and do not own the bonds. Therefore, the details of ‘unpaid debt inquiry’ in the above cannot be confirmed.


account management
regional development bond
Purchase details inquiry
Total lookup
Enter your resident registration number
Base date: The date of purchase of the car (up to 1 year can be inquired)

NH Banking-App-Receivables-Purchase-History-Inquiry
NH Banking-App

Auto Refund Online Bank Classification by Region
Classification Vault Bank Internet Mobile Login Method
Seoul Shinhan Bank X O joint certificate
Busan Busan Bank O
Daegu Daegu Bank X X Program under development
Incheon Shinhan Bank O joint certificate
Gwangju Gwangju Bank O under development
Daejeon Hana Bank O
Ulsan Nonghyup Bank
Sejong Hana Bank
Gyeonggi Nonghyup Bank
Jeonbuk Jeonbuk Bank under development
Jeonnam Nonghyup Bank O

Nonghyup Bank 10 (Ulsan, Gyeonggi, Gangwon, etc.), Shinhan Bank 2 (Seoul, Incheon), Hana Bank 2 (Daejeon, Sejong)
Busan Bank, Daegu Bank, Kwangju Bank, Jeonbuk Bank 1 each
In the case of Daegu Bank, service commencement in the first half of 2022

Since repayment banks are different for each region, please look carefully and find the right bank to inquire about the refund of automobile bonds before applying.