자동차 환급금 조회 If you’ve driven it for more than 5 years… Check your car refund and get it – News Now

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Home » If you have driven the car for more than 5 years… Check your car refund amount and visit us
I’m trying to find out how to check my car refund. Please take this opportunity to look for any unclaimed refunds you may be eligible for.
When companies and residents enter into contracts with local governments for construction or services, receive permits, or register cars, they are required to purchase ‘local development bonds.’
For ordinary residents, this would be a car, and the bonds purchased in this way will mature after a period of 5 or 7 years and can be refunded.
If you purchase a vehicle under 2000cc, a certain percentage of the vehicle price and interest are refunded depending on the region, ‘Daejeon 4%, Gangwon 8%, Seoul 12%’.
If you leave the car refund that has not been returned without applying for a refund, it will expire, so you must check it and get it as soon as possible.
Car refunds can be viewed and applied through the Kumgo Bank website or mobile app depending on the region, and the process is ‘Log in > Inquire unrefunded bonds > Select refund > Check information and apply.’
If it’s been more than 5 years since you purchased your car, check to see if you can get a car refund of up to several million won. Please refer to the method below for using the Nonghyup Bank app.

Please note that bonds purchased after March 2022 will be automatically refunded upon maturity without the need for a separate application.
If you have previously purchased a vehicle, please be aware of the statute of limitations on refunds and check online to request a refund to receive your refund.
According to the Ministry of Public Administration and Security, the amount of ‘regional development bonds that have not been claimed by their owners’ amounts to approximately 230 billion won, but it seems that many people do not know that much.
Car refunds cannot be returned once the statute of limitations expires, but in the past, you had to go to the bank in person, making it inconvenient to get there.
However, now you can easily check and apply for a refund online, so you can easily check if you know how.

When purchasing a vehicle, in addition to the vehicle price, additional costs such as acquisition tax are incurred. These initial costs can be significant and can be a burden to consumers.
In order to reduce the burden of these costs, financial companies often apply ‘public bond discounting’, which means selling bonds immediately by applying a certain discount rate.
If it appears that there are no receivables, this may be the case. To confirm accurate information, please contact the relevant bank or related institution for assistance.
You can check whether refunds are available through regional bank websites and apps.
In Seoul, you can check by logging in to the Shinhan Bank mobile app and going to ‘Utility bills > Public institution bonds’.
Refunds can be checked on the Nonghyup Bank website and app for Gyeonggi-do, Gangwon-do, Chungbuk, South Chungcheong, Gyeongbuk, Gyeongnam, Ulsan, Jeonnam, Changwon, and Jeju regions.
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