재가요양보호사 월급 Hourly and monthly wages of home welfare and family care benefits

재가요양보호사 월급Since we are planning to open a mock calculator for family care benefits soon, let’s take a look at the hourly rate of family care benefits and the requirements for receiving them.

Family care benefit requirements
① Obtain nursing care worker certification
② Elderly person has long-term care grade
③ Family relationship
④ Working in another job less than 160 hours per month

For more information about family care, please refer to Everything about family care workers (Q&A).

Benefit settlement varies depending on the senior’s condition.
① 60 minutes per day, 20 days
② 90 minutes per day, 31 days
(If you are over 65 years of age or older, taking care of your spouse or displaying behaviors such as violent tendencies, inappropriate behavior, or persecutory delusions)

Family care benefits are affected by the home visit care benefit fee schedule that is announced every year.

Because the government does not set the hourly wage for family care workers, the hourly wage varies depending on the home welfare center.

Family care benefit hourly rate and monthly salary level
60 minutes: mid 10,000 won to 20,000 won
(monthly salary in the 300,000-400,000 won range)

Assuming an hourly wage of 16,000 won, 16,000 won x 20 days = 320,000 won.

90 minutes: Between 20,000 won and 27,0000 won
(monthly salary around 600,000~800,000 won)

I wrote this based on personal inquiries to home-based institutions and searches on the Internet.
Some prices are higher or lower.

There is no additional allowance for family care.
You have to pay your own deductible
Reduction rates also apply.

Actual salary = Center salary – Out-of-pocket expenses

Go to Family Caregiver Salary Simulation Calculator

2023 Minimum wage and weekly holiday allowance for nursing care workers, 4 major insurances

재가요양보호사 월급
