저공해차량 조회 및 등록방법 How to search and register low-emission vehicles

Low-emission vehicle inquiry registration method benefits (3 types of stickers issued)

As global warming is receiving worldwide attention, the number of cars emitting carbon dioxide is increasing, and many people are becoming more interested in electric and hydrogen cars.

저공해차량 조회

저공해차량 조회

In Korea, there is a system that provides special benefits to cars that do not emit carbon dioxide, an air pollutant.

This system classifies low-emission vehicles into Type 1, Type 2, and Type 3. Type 1 refers to eco-friendly electric vehicles, Type 2 refers to hybrid vehicles, and Type 3 refers to gasoline vehicles.

Therefore, today we will learn in detail about the benefits of low-emission vehicle tracking registration method (issuance of 3 types of stickers).

Hide table of contents
1 Low-emission vehicle search
2 Low-emission vehicle benefits
2.1 How to register
3 Conclusion
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Low-emission vehicle search

There is a way to determine whether your vehicle is a low-emission vehicle by using the low-emission vehicle integrated website.

After visiting the official website, select the vehicle registration number or vehicle identification number at the bottom to check for low-emission vehicles and enter a search term.

How to check for low-emission vehicles 1
If you are not sure of the vehicle identification number, you can check the vehicle identification number or specifications of all vehicle models through the vehicle identification number specification search below.

How to check vehicle identification number specifications (all car models)
If you enter your vehicle registration number, you can check the manufacturer’s name, type of low-emission vehicle, vehicle name, fuel, etc. through the low-emission vehicle verification results below.

How to check for low-emission vehicles 2
Due to expiration of the vehicle certification period or re-certification, the low-emission vehicle type of some vehicles may be inconsistent with the information issued on the placard. In this case, confirmation is possible at the vehicle registration office.

It is said that from April 3, 2020, vehicles fueled by diesel will be excluded from low-emission vehicles due to a revision in the law.

✅ Quick cleanup

To search for low-emission vehicles, visit the low-emission vehicle integrated website.
Enter your vehicle registration number or vehicle identification number and enter the number in the search term.
Please check the low-emission vehicle verification results below.
You can check the manufacturer name, low-emission vehicle type, vehicle name, fuel, etc.
Go to check low-emission vehicles
Low-emission vehicle benefits

Let’s take a look at the benefits of low-emission vehicles. There are types 1, 2, and 3, and the benefits for each type can be found below.

✅ Quick cleanup

Type 1: Vehicle purchase subsidy, 50% discount on public parking lots, 100% reduction on Seoul congestion toll, 50% discount on airport parking lots nationwide.
Type 2: 50% discount on public parking lots, 100% discount on Seoul congestion tolls, and 50% discount on airport parking lots nationwide.
Type 3: 3~50% discount on public parking lots nationwide, 2~30% discount on airport parking lots nationwide
How to register
How to check for low-emission vehicles 3
Let’s learn about how to register a low-emission vehicle. Even if you purchase a low-emission vehicle, you cannot receive the benefits right away; you must register it.

Since you cannot apply online, you must visit the vehicle registration office to apply. You can receive a sticker indicating that it is a vehicle through the vehicle registration office.

In conclusion
Today, we learned about the benefits of registering a low-emission vehicle inquiry (issuance of 3 types of stickers). Low-emission vehicles provide many benefits, so you can check whether you are a low-emission vehicle and receive various benefits.