전기차 보조금 신청방법 How to apply for electric vehicle subsidies

The government’s mid- to long-term roadmap to expand the distribution of electric vehicles has been released. If you are planning to purchase or are about to purchase an electric vehicle, please be sure to check as we will provide detailed information on the 2024 electric vehicle subsidy.

전기차 보조금

전기차 보조금

2024 Electric Vehicle Subsidy
Please check the link below for information on electric vehicle charging rates and finding electric vehicle charging stations.

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1. 2024 electric vehicle subsidy
According to the announced 2024 electric vehicle subsidy support policy, the average subsidy per electric vehicle decreased from 5 million won to 4 million won.

However, next year’s total subsidy amount decreased by 8.2% compared to this year, but total volume increased by 27,000 units. This was decided in accordance with the government policy to slightly reduce subsidies and allow more vehicles to benefit.


2. How to check electric vehicle subsidies
Electric vehicle subsidies must be confirmed together with national treasury subsidies and local government subsidies. This is because the national treasury subsidies are the same, but local government subsidies provided by region may vary.

1. How to check government subsidies
Go to electric vehicle government subsidy inquiry

After accessing the link above, you can check by clicking [Purchase Subsidy Payment Status] as shown in the photo below.

2. How to check subsidies by local government
Go to electric vehicle subsidy search by local government
By clicking on subsidy by local government vehicle type, you can view the maximum amount of subsidy by local government vehicle type for electric vehicles in 2023 for each city or city across the country, which is the sum of national and local expenses.