주택관리사 합격기준 1st and 2nd difficulty level of housing manager (bo) exam schedule subjects

A housing manager is a housing management professional who operates, manages, maintains, and repairs apartment houses and manages expenses necessary for them. As a real estate issue that is increasingly emerging, the interest in certificates for housing management newsletters is also increasing. 주택관리사 합격기준


Table of Contents

Housing Manager Overview
Housing Manager Examination Subjects
Housing Manager Examination Schedule
Acceptance criteria for housing managers, difficulty level, and acceptance rate
Housing Manager Employment Prospects, Annual Salary

Housing Manager Overview jasminevista.com

The Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport manages the housing manager certificate, and the Korea Human Resources Development Corporation conducts the test. Acceptance of applications for certificates, announcement of successful applications, and applications for issuance of certificates are checked on the housing manager QNet site.

If you pass the housing manager test for the first time, you will be qualified as a housing manager, and if you have a certain level of experience, you will be promoted to a housing manager.

주택관리사 합격기준

Housing managers were first introduced in 1989, and the mandatory recruitment regulations for certificate holders came into force on January 1, 1997.


In order to manage apartment houses safely and efficiently, housing managers will perform operation, management, maintenance, etc. to protect the rights and interests of apartment residents. If you pass the housing manager certificate examination, you will be registered with the Housing Manager Association and be active.











Housing Manager Examination Subjects
The housing manager test subjects overlap in the primary civil law and secondary housing management fields. Some people study housing managers right after seeing a licensed real estate agent.


Classified test subject test time test method
1st Class of the 1st Examination 1. Accounting Principles

2. Introduction to Apartment Housing Facilities
(It includes general architectural structures, steel structures, home networks, and construction for the establishment of long-term repair plans, etc., excluding wooden structures and special structures.)
A half-hour multiple choice
a five-point multiple choice
2nd Class 3. Civil Code
(General rules, real rights, and bonds, general rules, contract rules, trading, leasing, subcontracting
Delegation, Unfair Benefits, Illegal Acts)
2nd Examination 1st Class 1. Housing Management Related Laws and Regulations Subjects
50 minutes multiple choice
Five-point multiple choice and
Short answer
2. Multi-family housing management practice
Housing managers are divided into 1st and 2nd trials.

The first period of the first examination is accounting principles and introduction of apartment facilities, and the second period is civil law (similar to a certified real estate agent)

The 2nd exam is housing management related laws and apartment management practice subjects.








Housing Manager Examination Schedule

– Housing Manager Examination Schedule
The housing manager test schedule is held once a year like a certified real estate agent and appraiser.

The first application is from May 22 to May 26, and the second application is from August 21 to August 25.


– Qualification for housing manager
There is no limit to the qualification for housing manager. However, it should not fall under the reason for disqualification.

If you commit fraud during the housing management newsletter qualification test, the test will also be invalidated, and your qualification for the test will be suspended for five years from the current round.



– Housing Manager Application Fee

The first application fee is 21,000 won, and the second application fee is 14,000 won.











Acceptance criteria for housing managers, difficulty level, and acceptance rate

– Acceptance criteria
The first pass criterion is 40 points or more for each subject, and those who score more than 60 points on average.

As for the second pass criteria, those who get more than the score of the acceptance letter within the range of the number of people scheduled to be selected will be the successful candidates,

It is said that the successful candidates will be determined in the order of the highest score among the total scores in all subjects.


Those who pass the first round will be exempted from the first round in the following year and will only be able to take the second round immediately.






– Application rate, acceptance rate
If you look at the acceptance rate of the last five years, the first round is quite difficult and the acceptance rate is low. It remains in the 10% range almost every year.

However, among the first successful applicants, the acceptance rate of those who took the second round is high in the 70-80% range, but it is less than half in 2022.

– Question rate by subject
If you know the ratio of questions by subject in the housing manager exam and study for the exam, you will be able to pass the exam in a faster and more accurate direction.


You can find a detailed explanation of the rate of questions by subject on the website below.





Housing Manager Employment Prospects, Annual Salary

Anyone can take the housing manager certificate because there are no restrictions on taking it. It is a real estate-related certificate and is considered a popular certificate along with certified real estate agents and appraisers. Many people are also taking the housing manager certificate test for their retirement life.


Employment is mainly acquired from apartment houses over a certain size for housing managers or managers of management offices in places where they are obligated to hire housing managers or housing managers.


If you have more than a certain career in the first home management newsletter, you will be promoted to a home management company. Home managers whose annual salaries vary depending on their career or promotion are considered to be the most sought-after certificates for old age.