중고차 침수차 확인 Used car submerged car check

Hello, I am Hyunjin, a blogger who shares useful information in my life.

I prepared this post for those who are worried about which part to look for whether it is flooded or not when buying a used car. If you check just two things, you can check more than 90% of whether it is a vehicle that has been flooded in the past or not.

From now on, how to check a flooded car Let’s start sharing how to check a used car flooded car. 중고차 침수차 확인


중고차 침수차 확인

<How to check a flooded car Characteristics of a used car flooded vehicle> 좋은뉴스 



The most important part to be careful when buying a used vehicle is to check whether the vehicle has a history of flooding. There are many difficult things to see if there is a flooded vehicle through the appearance because it is well cleaned and there is no problem with the appearance.




Also, these days, there are many flooded vehicles that have been perfectly cleaned inside, so there are often times when you buy a vehicle at a cheap price and later find out that it is a flooded vehicle and go through absurdity. Then, what part can I look at to check whether the vehicle has been flooded in the past?



<Pull your seat belt all the way>



The first recommended way to check a flooded vehicle is to fasten the vehicle seat belt. Seatbelt is composed of dense fiber material, so it is characterized by not being wiped well.


1. Pull the seat belt all the way out and look closely for dirt or water marks.

2. Compare the date written on the seat belt label with the vehicle year. If there is a large difference between the date of the seat belt label and the vehicle year, it is likely that the seat belt has been replaced, and it is highly likely that the vehicle was flooded.



<Seat belt label example>



<Check the bonnet fuse box>



How to check a flooded car The second characteristic of a used car flooded vehicle is that the fuse box is likely to have been replaced with a new one. The fuse box is an organ in charge of electrical circulation inside the vehicle, and it is a part that must be replaced in case of flooding.


If less dust is accumulated compared to the surrounding parts or if the screws and bolts of the fuse box look new, it is highly likely that it was a flooded vehicle.



In this way, I briefly shared the characteristics of flooded cars in terms of how to check flooded cars. When purchasing a used vehicle, we recommend that you check it out and fill out the contract.