차대번호 조회방법 및 제조사별 사이트 How to look up vehicle identification number and sites by manufacturer

Let’s find out how to look up the vehicle identification number and how to view the official website. The vehicle identification number is not a vehicle registration number (vehicle number), but a combination of English letters and numbers found on the vehicle registration certificate.차대번호 조회

차대번호 조회


How to check vehicle identification number | How to view the site
Vehicle identification number search items
You can check the vehicle identification number and model year, subscribe to liability insurance, first registration date, mileage, tuning and inspection, maintenance history, seizure, and total loss treatment history.

Since it is based on registered vehicles, you can search regardless of manufacturer (Kia Motors, Hyundai Motor Company, Chevrolet, BMW, Volkswagen, Ssangyong Motors).

How to check vehicle identification number
Access the vehicle identification number search site
Select integrated history inquiry
Select your vehicle search
Identity verification
Vehicle registration number search
Sign up (one-time registration required for the first time)
Verify vehicle owner information (consent to resident registration number and information)
Check vehicle identification number and vehicle comprehensive information
1. Access the vehicle identification number search site (government agency)
Government agency websites use go.kr. The site uses car365.go.kr, and you can check market prices and vehicle information. Since it includes personal information, you must go through the identity verification process.

Check vehicle identification number


1. Access the vehicle identification number search site (government agency)
2. Select integrated history inquiry
The integrated history search allows you to search vehicle information in your own name, in other people’s names, and used vehicle information for sale. When you search for someone else’s name other than your own vehicle, a fee of less than 1,000 won will be charged depending on the item. (Free search for owner’s vehicle until December 23)

2. Select integrated history inquiry
3. Select your vehicle inquiry
You can select to search for your own vehicle, and you can also search for vehicles under someone else’s name and vehicles for sale, regardless of the number of the used car you are purchasing.

3. Select your vehicle inquiry
4. Identity verification
Your identity will be verified several times. Kakao Naver simple authentication, mobile phone identity authentication, and joint certificate authentication methods are available. Use the convenient method.

4. Identity verification
5. Check vehicle registration number
Enter the vehicle registration number, which usually uses the format 11ga1111.

5. Check vehicle registration number
6. Membership registration (one-time registration required)
If you are not registered with the Transportation Authority, you will be required to sign up for membership once. At this time, you will be required to enter your personal information, agree to the Terms of Use, and proceed with the secondary mobile phone identity verification process.

6. Membership registration (one-time registration required)
7. Confirm vehicle owner information (residential number and information consent)
If you are moved to the initial menu after completing the membership registration process, proceed again from integrated history inquiry → personal vehicle inquiry → identity verification. Now it’s the end. A vehicle owner verification process is required, and the consent process for the last digits of the resident registration number and information is carried out.

7. Confirm vehicle owner information (residential number and information consent)
8. Check vehicle identification number and vehicle comprehensive information
You can check the vehicle identification number of the owner’s vehicle and the 23 vehicle identification number search items that were explained first.

8. Check vehicle identification number and vehicle comprehensive information
Free vehicle identification number inquiry fee
Individual owner inquiry items are available free of charge for a limited time from 21.12.29 to 23.12.31. In addition, for searching information on vehicles with the consent of others and vehicles without the consent of others, the cost varies depending on the number of items (ex: inspection history, maintenance history, etc.), and costs less than 500 won for 10 items.