차상위계층 증명서 발급 조회하기 Inquire about issuance of certificates for the next higher class

Check the issuance method and application criteria for the next-upper class confirmation
차상위계층 증명서

I want to check the criteria for the next-upper class, but I often don’t know exactly which criteria, so there are cases where I don’t get government benefits.

차상위계층 증명서

If you have a higher income than the basic livelihood recipient class, but you are in the next upper class, there are government benefits that you can receive support from.


Based on the second upper class

The criterion for the next-highest class refers to a case where the income is higher than that of the basic livelihood security recipient, but is 50% of the standard median income.


50% of median income based on number of household members
One-person household KRW 1,038,946
2-person household KRW 1,728,078
3-person household KRW 2,217,408
4-person household KRW 2,700,482
5-person household KRW 3,165,344
6-person household KRW 3,613,991

Depending on the number of household members, if your recognized income is less than 50% of the standard median income, you belong to the next upper class, and your recognized income is evaluated according to your property and income.


Shortcut to simulated calculation of recognized income through welfare


Check the next-tier benefits
If you fall under the second-upper class condition, you can receive several benefits. Please check the details below for the types of benefits.



livelihood support
1) Livelihood support

Grain discount

Child Meal Support

City gas fee support

Electricity bill support

Communication fee reduction

self-reliance work for wounds

Youth Special Support

Diaper and formula support

Disability and Disabled Child Allowance

Forest welfare jobs, etc.




medical support
2) Medical support

Support for medical expenses for pregnant women

Support for artificial knee joint surgery

hearing aid support

Support for female adolescent sanitary products

Support for other medical expenses



Education support
3) Education support

work scholarship

blue ladder

Farmer’s Child Scholarship

Continuing Education Voucher

student loan support

Excellent Student Scholarship System, etc.



Housing support
4) Housing/Care Support

Dedicated support charter support

Supply of rental housing

National Rental Housing, etc.

After-school child care

Maternal and newborn health care benefits

Local Children’s Center

child care benefits, etc.




Other support
5) Other support

Integrated Cultural Center

Sports Lecture Voucher

Support for residential firefighting facilities, etc.


Support projects for the low-income class, including the next-highest class, are diversely formed by item.


To check the benefits of the next-upper class in more detail and to apply for welfare benefits suitable for you, please check the low-income group support service through welfare.


Check the Bokbokro website for detailed service application


How to issue a certificate for the next upper class
It is recommended that you have a certificate issued because some of the next-upper class benefits require the submission of a certificate.


Certificates can be easily issued on the Internet through the Welfare Road website.


Go to Welfare Road Certificate Issuance Application


How to apply: Visit the Bokbokro website and apply for service > Certificate issuance/authentication > Certificate issuance > Application for issuance of a certificate for the next upper class