카카오뱅크 중고차 대출 Used car loan | Kakao Bank

카카오뱅크 중고차 대출40,000,000 won
expected interest rate
5.39% per annum





Is it a verified property registered as a vehicle for sale?
Let me check for you.

Used car purchase loan
Used car purchase loan

Salary income earner (6 months or more at current job)
Customers with annual income of 20 million won or more
In case of joint ownership, the main contractor with a 50% or more ownership interest in the vehicle

Loan is not available if any of the following applies:

The loan limit is within the range within which a guarantee (guarantee insurance) can be issued.
Won(ri) equal installment repayment: 1~5 years
doesn’t exist
Documents can be submitted 24 hours a day, 365 days a year
Used car purchase loan: 5.5%~8.761% per annum (as of October 26, 2023)
If there is an unpaid amount as of the monthly interest payment date, the delinquent interest rate is applied as follows.
The right to terminate an illegal contract refers to the right to terminate a loan contract when a bank violates the suitability, adequacy, and explanation obligations stipulated in the Financial Consumer Protection Act, or enters into a loan contract through unfair trading practices or unfair solicitation. .

카카오뱅크 중고차 대출
