카카오톡 제비뽑기 KakaoTalk lottery, I’ll tell you how to draw a lot.

hello! This is Utena.

Today, I brought a game function that has a lot of fun among the KakaoTalk functions. 카카오톡 제비뽑기

It’s a really good feature, but there are many people who don’t know about it, so I’d like to introduce it today.

카카오톡 제비뽑기

This is a kakaotalk tip post ^^

If you look at this post, I’ll tell you how to do it easily! 1분전

Try it yourself!

It’s really really simple.

I’ll explain step by step below!

Learn how to draw lottery on KakaoTalk really easily

1. Click the # (Shop) button in the KakaoTalk chat window.

2. Write lottery and click the lottery word indicated by the arrow above.

3. Choose the one you like from the raffle draw and ranking draw.

4. If you click Mix by lot, the tables are mixed vigorously.

5. When you have shuffled the tables, press the part indicated by the arrow

Export to chat room.

The results are then shared.

6. Check the result.

7. If it is not a bang, it will say pass like that.

If you click Check the full results at the bottom,

8. You can check who is the loser.

This way you can have fun.

9. If you click Redo lottery,

You can do it again.

You can play again in the KakaoTalk room by pressing the mix of lots like GIFs.

When drawing a lottery in a chat room or when there is a lottery to draw

Useful This is a very useful feature.

It would be useful to use it when asking for cleaning duty at school hahaha

People around me use this when setting penalties!

I think it would be nice to have fun once in a kakaotalk room.

Isn’t it difficult to draw lots on KakaoTalk?

Anyone can do it.

Give it a try!

It is also possible on PC!

Thanks for reading!

I’ll come back with better information next time.

[Source] KakaoTalk lottery, a very simple method.|Author Tena