칼로커트 가격 및 후기,효과,부작용 총정리 Comprehensive summary of Calocut prices, reviews, effects, and side effects

Calocut Booster Water is very good news for those who are on a diet or have decided to go on a diet. Let’s take a closer look at Calocut Boosterwort, a new product of Calocut diet products, about its beneficial effects on diet, price, and honest reviews.칼로커트 가격

칼로커트 가격

Comprehensive review of diet long-seller Calocut Booster Water effect, price, and reviews
Calocut Booster Water
Calocut is a health functional food for diet that many people are already familiar with. This is because it has been a steady seller for 12 years and has been consistently loved.


After 12 years, we launched a new product called Calocut Booster Water. The method is to take one packet at a time by mixing it with water. The refreshing yet sweet pink lemonade flavor makes it easy to eat and helps you manage your diet intensively.


Differences between existing Calocut and Calocut Booster
Category Calocut Calocut Booster Water
Purpose Daily management Intensive management
Intake time: Twice a day after a meal Twice a day before a meal
Intake: Take 3 tablets, 1 packet per time. Mix 1 packet with water and consume.

Calocut Booster Water Recommendations
Those who cannot lose body fat
People who frequently eat fatty meals and have company dinners
People who gain weight rapidly
Those who want to maintain a balanced body
People who have difficulty in regular bowel movements

Calocut Booster Water Effects and Ingredients
1. Garcinia Cambogia Extract (HCA)
Garcinia cambogia diet effects in Calocut Booster Water

Garcinia cambogia extract in Calocut Booster Water helps reduce body fat by inhibiting the synthesis of ingested carbohydrates into fat.


This ingredient is the active ingredient contained in the skin of the Garcinia Cambogia fruit. It inhibits fatty acid synthesis from carbohydrates by blocking ATP citrate lyase, which is used to make fat, and increases serotonin levels in the brain, making you feel less hungry.

This is a functional ingredient officially recognized by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety, and it is more effective in reducing body fat when taken together with exercise.


2. Indigestible maltodextrin
Calocut Booster Water contains indigestible maltodextrin. This ingredient is a dietary fiber derived from corn starch and is a raw material certified by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety for its functionality of facilitating bowel movement, suppressing the rise in blood sugar levels after a meal, and improving neutral lipids in the blood.


As a result of a human application test, 56 adults with an average age of 36.7 years who had difficulty in defecation were ingested 5g of indigestible maltodextrin per day for two weeks, and it was confirmed that the frequency of defecation increased, the amount of defecation increased, and the feeling of residual stool after defecation improved.


3. Meets 100% of daily nutritional standards
In addition to ingredients that help with dieting, Calocut Booster Water contains nutrients essential to our body to meet the recommended daily intake, allowing you to have a healthy diet.

Vitamin C: Maintains connective tissue formation and function, absorbs iron, and protects cells from harmful oxygen through antioxidant action.
Vitamin B6: Required for protein and amino acid utilization, maintaining normal blood homocysteine levels
Niacin: Necessary for body energy production
Pantonenic acid: Necessary for fat, carbohydrate, and protein metabolism and energy production.

Calocut Booster Water intake and method
Calocut Booster Water Intake, How to consume

Please take 1 packet twice a day, mixing it with 300-500mL of water.


I usually drink 1 packet before lunch and 1 packet before dinner, but this may vary from person to person.


calocut booster water price
It is recommended to purchase genuine Calocut Booster Water from an official online retailer. If you purchase a counterfeit product or through an abnormal distribution channel, there is a chance that there may be a quality problem.


Calocut Booster Water prices are as follows based on official online stores.

1 box (20 packets/10 days): KRW 60,000
2 boxes (40 packets/20 days): KRW 116,800
3 boxes (60 packets/40 days): KRW 168,000

If you take advantage of promotions or events held by our headquarters, you may be able to purchase at a cheaper price, so please check.


If you are a regular user of Calo Cut products, it is a good idea to feel free to buy a large quantity to reduce the cost burden. If this is your first time trying it, it would be wise to purchase only one box to see if it suits you and then purchase additional products.


Calocut Diet Review
There aren’t many reviews about the Calocut diet because it’s still a new product, but it seems like most of the reviews are generally satisfactory. If you are curious about more reviews, please refer to the official mall reviews section below.

When you eat, you feel full and the taste is great, making you more satisfied. The effect is that my body has always been heavy due to abdominal bloating or bloating, but my body feels lighter and my bowel movement improves.
I didn’t do anything special with my diet, but it’s great because I’m a little out of it.
It’s delicious, good to eat. I feel like I’m losing weight after riding on ice.
The color is pink and delicious~ 1 packet isn’t enough when I’m on the treadmill. I’m going to buy more as the bathroom is also good.


Calocut Booster Water side effects and precautions when taking it

Calocut Booster Water is a health functional food and is known to be safe with no side effects because it uses raw materials certified by the Ministry of Food and Drug Safety. However, some side effects may occur due to individual circumstances or when taking excessive doses.


Overdosage may cause vomiting, diarrhea, severe headaches, and fluctuations in blood sugar levels.
It must be taken with plenty of water.
Children, pregnant women, and lactating women should avoid consumption.
If you have liver, heart, or kidney disease, please consult a specialist when taking this product.
If you have any allergies, please consult a specialist.

In conclusion
Calocut Booster Water is a health functional food that contains many nutrients that are beneficial to diet and health. However, rather than blindly believing in it, I think you will definitely get great help if you take it consistently along with diet and exercise.


Above, we looked into Calocut diet effects, ingredients, price, reviews, side effects, etc. in various directions. I hope this helps you with your diet and I will end here.