케이뱅크 청년전세대출 [K Bank] Real Estate Youth Lease Loan Review: Get a Loan in One Day: Naver Blog

케이뱅크 청년전세대출2021. 10. 7. 20:20

Hello. These days, real estate is getting more and more difficult and there are more regulations, so everyone is having a hard time, right?
Yes. I am the same.

That’s why I am leaving a review like this because I think it will help others.

In particular, there are many reviews for Kakao Bank, but there aren’t many reviews for K Bank.

You can think of the loan review process for K Bank and Kakao Bank as the same.

I will write in as much detail as possible, so if you have any questions, please leave a comment.

First, let me summarize.

Document submission date: October 7, loan approval date: October 7
–> Completed in 1 day! Deposit: 110 million
Loan 90%: 99 million won

My money: 11 million won

If you follow the instructions, it is easy~

Step 1 Finding a real estate property
–> Even if finding a jeonse is like trying to find a star in the sky, you can find it.
Check out the information in advance, such as registration processing, moving-in report, guarantee insurance, and mortgage setting, and if it seems ambiguous, skip it.

If you just throw away the ambiguous things, the options will be reduced and it will be much easier.

Step 2 Signing a real estate contract
–> You can sign a contract with the landlord through a certified real estate agent.
The important thing here is to first sign a preliminary contract of about 1 million won
and then sign the contract by putting in a 5% deposit from the actual real estate.

The most important thing here is that you have to put in at least a 5% deposit to proceed with the loan review.

Step 3 Applying for a loan
I think this is probably where you are most curious.
You will apply for a loan through Kakao Bank or K Bank.​
First, run the application and apply for the Youth Monthly Rent Loan.

When you apply for a loan, you will receive a text message like the one below.
They usually pressure you to submit related documents within 5 days.

1. Income documents
2. Receipt of deposit payment
3. Lease contract *Confirmation date required

The important thing here is
* Not a scanned copy, but an actual photo!
* Receipt of deposit payment of 5% or more
* You can receive the confirmation date on the lease contract or receive a lease report certificate
1) Where to receive the confirmation date
– Internet registration office (iros.go.kr)
2) Where to receive the report certificate
– Ministry of Land, Infrastructure and Transport / Real Estate Transaction Management System (molit.go.kr)

These days, it’s convenient, so you can apply and print it online~
* Here’s a tip: Be sure to include a clause that states that if the guarantee insurance is not provided or the loan is not issued, the contract will be canceled and the deposit will be returned!​

Once you’ve completed the submission, you’ll receive a text message saying that the document submission is complete.

Huh? But it’s asking me to submit supplementary documents?
I don’t know about other people, but I think I need it because I’m changing jobs this year.
It’s asking me to submit a Class A income tax withholding certificate from when I joined to the present?

​Then what should I do? Just submit it!!
Here’s the important thing!
1. For bank submission
2. Corporate seal
3. Upload a photo of yourself, not a screenshot, like the photo above

If you submit additional documents, you’ll receive a text message saying that the submission is complete

and the review will then proceed.

The review was completed in 7 hours!!! Yay

I’m excited and I can proceed with the rest of the process
The important thing here is that the stamp duty, insurance premium, etc. will be withdrawn from the account, so you need to have an appropriate amount of money in the account.

Now, send the loan to the landlord on the loan execution date, and deposit the remaining 5% to complete it!!​

For your information, I am an ordinary office worker and a normal person with no credit issues.

I cannot answer questions about special cases.

Please use my writing as a reference only and I hope it will be helpful to you.

These days, loans are very restricted…

K-Bank, Kakao Bank, Toss, let’s all do our best~~~

❤Hoyeon couple records their daily lives with their baby. Sponsorship, inquiries: junhobigman@naver.com

케이뱅크 청년전세대출
