쿠팡이츠 사장님사이트 How to open a store on the Coupang Eats owner’s site Benefits Fee Tips Cancellation Long-term leave Coupang Eats Delivery Partner

Coupang Eats is mainly used actively in Seoul, Gyeonggi-do, and Incheon, and is expanding nationwide. We provide a fast delivery service as only one delivery is possible per location, and you can check how to enter a store, check fees, and check benefits through the Coupang Eats owner site. Let’s learn more about Coupang Eats delivery partners and the owner’s site entry, benefits, tips, cancellation, and long-term closure.





3 ways to open a Coupang Eats store
There are three ways to open a Coupang Eats store, and the first method is to register by directly inquiring about opening a store at the customer center. You can apply by accessing the second Coupang Eats CEO site (Coupang Eats CEO portal: https://store.coupangeats.com/). As a third method, you can access “Coupang Eats Store,” a channel within KakaoTalk, add the channel, and then apply for store entry.


Customer Center for inquiries about opening a Coupang Eats store: 1600-9827
Coupang Eats owner’s site: https://store.coupangeats.com/
Added KakaoTalk channel “Coupang Eats Store”


Coupang Eats CEO’s site
Before opening a store using the Coupang Eats website, the necessary documents must be prepared. Required documents include a business registration certificate showing the business registration number, a copy of a bankbook that allows deposits and withdrawals, and a business report to operate a business.


Go to Coupang Eats CEO’s site


You can join the store through the Coupang Eats website in the following order.

Go to the Coupang Eats owner’s site and select store membership sign-up.
Enter your business registration number, ID, email address, password (8 to 15 characters combining English letters, numbers, and special characters), name, and mobile phone number in the required fields required for membership registration, and agree to the terms and conditions.
Enter the basic store information: name, store phone number, store manager name, manager contact information, address, and detailed address.
Correctly enter the information required for store registration and settlement: bank, account number, account holder, date of birth, name, business type, and industry as listed on the business registration certificate.
You can check information on order brokerage fees, card fees, payment usage fees, and delivery fees.
The store membership registration process has been completed, and detailed settings can be made using the Coupang Eats owner site.

Coupang Eats fee details
Category Fee standard type (A) Fee standard type (B) Delivery fee reduced type (C) Delivery fee included type (D) Promotion
order brokerage
Commission 9.8% 7.5% 15% 27% (order brokerage fee, delivery fee borne by the owner) 1,000 won
Delivery fee borne by the owner 1,754 won ~ 5,400 won 2,364 won ~ 6,000 won 900 won 5,000 won
Delivery fee borne by the customer Set by the boss Set by the boss 0 won Delivery fee borne by the customer Set automatically by the boss
Payment fee 3%
Minimum order amount set by the boss Set by the boss 5,000 won 5,000 won Set by the boss


The three benefits for new Coupang Eats owners are that there are no registration or maintenance costs whatsoever, and photography is also provided free of charge. And, unlike other delivery companies, Coupang Eats only allows one delivery per location within 4km from the delivery company, providing a service that allows for faster delivery.


Apply for new store owner benefits


Additional benefits are provided only to newly registered store owners, so please check further.



Coupang Eats delivery partner
Unlike other delivery companies, Coupang Eats delivery partners comprehensively determine the distance to the store, delivery location, and means of transportation through one-to-one matching, allowing you to receive delivery from the delivery partner.

Coupang Eats has the advantage that only one delivery is possible per location, and the delivery cost is higher than other companies.


Coupang Eats-Delivery-Partner-google-play
Coupang Eats-Delivery-Partner-Google-Play App-Download

Go here to download the Coupang Eats delivery partner Google Play app

Coupang Eats-Delivery-Partner-App-Store
Coupang Eats-Delivery-Partner-App-Store App Download

Go to Coupang Eats Delivery Partner App Store app download

The delivery partner can directly select the means of transportation. You can use walking, bicycle, motorcycle, bicycle, or car. You must complete one delivery at the optimal distance according to the settings to accept the next delivery, so it is a challenge enough for beginners. Delivery is a side job.


Coupang Eats delivery fee settlement date

Delivery fees are calculated on a weekly basis, 7 days after work. The reason it is in the spotlight as a short-term side job is that you can work for a short period of time and make cash right away with quick settlement.


Coupang Eats delivery fee settlement date
Delivery date 1 to 7 days Payment date 14 days
8 to 14 days 21 days
15th – 21st Day 28th Day
22nd ~ 7th day of the month following the last day of the month

delivery tips

You can get a more reasonable allowance by targeting promotional times and targeting weekday lunch and weekend lunch, which are times when delivery allowances are high.



How to cancel and take long-term leave
Go to the Coupang Eats owner’s website and log in.
Go to the business hours/closure management tab and access long-term closure/cancellation located next to the business information section.
You can select a reason in the long-term closure/suspension of operation tab, and you can choose from four reasons: closure of business, suspension of operation/suspension of operation, request for termination, and dissatisfaction with Coupang Eats service. If set, it may take up to 3 hours to be reflected in the system.
If you choose to agree and apply, all cancellation and long-term leave procedures are finally completed.

쿠팡이츠 사장님사이트

So far, we have learned in detail about the Coupang Eats owner’s website, how to open a store, benefits, fees, tips, cancellation, long-term leave, and Coupang Eats delivery partners.

쿠팡이츠 사장님사이트

If you want to open a store through the Coupang Eats owner’s site and receive benefits, compare the fees, and cancel for reasons such as long-term closure, please check the explanation and follow it slowly.

Coupang Eats can only make one delivery per location, so it will provide good service to consumers by offering advantages to both store owners and delivery partners through fast delivery and high commissions.


For additional information, please check the Coupang Eats website.