쿠팡 배송조회 How to search Coupang invoice number and how to search courier by invoice number

Let’s find out how to check the courier invoice number (waybill number) of the goods ordered from Coupang.
In Coupang, I often order things with really fast delivery, such as rocket delivery or rocket fresh. However, since there are many people who purchase general delivery products, let’s find out how to look up the invoice number of a general delivery product ordered from Coupang, and how to check where the product you ordered is located with the invoice number. 쿠팡 배송조회 

How to look up Coupang’s invoice number, Courier delivery inquiry

쿠팡 배송조회

Coupang Invoice Number Inquiry and How to Check Courier Location with Invoice Number
Coupang’s rocket delivery and rocket fresh products are delivered separately by Coupangman’s delivery staff, and Coupang’s general delivery products can be delivered through a general courier company. For general delivery products, you can check the courier invoice number, check the courier delivery location, and check the estimated arrival time. Let’s learn in detail how to check the invoice number and how to search the location of the courier with the invoice number.

Coupang Invoice Number Search Method 비지니스헬퍼
You can check the invoice number of the product you ordered on the mobile Coupang app or by using a computer. Let’s check both ways to look up the invoice number together.

How to search Coupang app invoice number
Launch the Coupang app installed on your smartphone ▶ Touch the [Profile] menu button at the bottom of the Coupang app ▶ Touch the [Order List] button ▶ Touch the [Delivery Tracking] button on the product that requires invoice number confirmation on the “Order List” page ▶ You can check the courier company name and invoice number together on the “Delivery Tracking” page.

How to search invoice number in Coupang mobile app
How to look up the invoice number on the Coupang webpage
Launch a web browser (Chrome, Whale, Edge, Safari) ▶ Access the Coupang webpage ▶ Log in to your account ▶ Click the [My Coupang] menu at the top right corner ▶ In the “Order List” window, click the [Delivery Click the [Search] button ▶ You can search the courier company and invoice number in the “Delivery inquiry” window.

Go to the Coupang web homepage

Courier , How to search invoice number

How to search courier by invoice number
A courier invoice number is given when a product ordered from an open market such as Coupang or Smart Store is delivered by courier. By looking up the invoice number, you can check the courier pick-up, moving, delivery destination, delivery in progress, and completion status, and additionally, you can check the delivery location, time, and delivery status.
Courier delivery inquiry is used as a way to check which region the ordered product has arrived and to predict the approximate arrival date of the parcel.

There are two ways to search the invoice number. You can search through the homepage of the courier company or through Naver’s “Courier delivery inquiry”. You can check the delivery time and current location in real time.

How to look up the invoice number on the courier website
There are a variety of courier companies such as CJ Logistics, Post Office Courier, Rosen Courier, GS25 Convenience Store Courier, CU Convenience Store Courier, and Kyungdong Courier. After checking the courier company and invoice number of the product you ordered, access the courier website, go to the delivery inquiry menu, and enter the invoice number to check the location of the courier.

How to look up CJ Korea Express invoice number
How to look up post office courier invoice number
How to look up the invoice number of Rosen Express
GS convenience store courier delivery invoice number search method
How to search the invoice number of Naver ‘Courier Delivery Search’
If you enter a search term as ‘courier delivery’ on Naver and search, you can see the “Courier delivery search” item at the top of the search results. You can search the invoice number by clicking the ‘Choose Courier’ menu, selecting a courier company, entering the inquiry invoice number, and then clicking the [🔍] button.