크린토피아 영업시간 Cleantopia business hours, prices, discount summary

크린토피아 영업시간Cleantopia can wash and mend shirts, leather, hats, shoes, and blankets. There are many types, so there is a big difference in discount date and price.

Business hours of Cleantopia may vary slightly from branch to branch and may change for special reasons.

Coin laundry is open 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Coin launderettes can wash and dry clothes, blankets, and shoes within an hour.

For more information, please refer to “Using Cleantopia Coin Wash”.

Using Cleantopia Coin Wash
Things like blankets and shoes seem to be difficult to wash. If you always use a washing machine to do laundry, you can do laundry while doing other things. However, you have to wash your blankets or shoes by hand.

Regular shirts start at 1,200 won, and perishable shirts go up to 2,600 won.

This is a price list for washing duvets. You can get a discount on duvet laundry every Wednesday and Saturday.

Sneakers are washed in water. General sneaker cleaning costs start at KRW 3,900. Leather or coated materials are expensive.

Outdoor laundry price list.

School uniform laundry price list.

In addition, you can wash hats, dolls, bags, etc.

Cleantopia has same-day laundry service and clothing storage service.

If you need laundry in a hurry, you can use the same-day laundry service. You can drop off your laundry in the morning and pick it up in the evening.

Clothing storage service is a service that allows you to select the storage period and desired delivery date and have it delivered to your home on the desired date.

It can be stored from 3 to 9 months, so it would be nice to store out-of-season clothes or bedding.

Every Wednesday and Saturday you can get a 30% discount. Branches inside hypermarkets may receive discounts on Thursdays instead of Wednesdays.

If you use it often, you can use your membership to receive discounts.

Membership has VIP and GOLD levels, and benefits are divided into two types. You can receive laundry coupons and receive special membership discounts.
TEL. 02.1234.5678 / Pangyoyeok-ro, Bundang-gu, Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do
© Kakao Corp.

크린토피아 영업시간
