통신비 미환급금 조회방법 및 환급 받는방법 How to inquire about unreimbursed communication expenses and how to receive a refund

Did you know that there is a refund for communication fees? You are probably unfamiliar with the fact that you can receive a refund for communication expenses, and there are many people who have heard of it for the first time. So, today, I would like to inquire about the unreimbursed communication fee as a one-stop service and find out how to apply for a refund. Also, since this method is available for three telecommunication companies (SKT, KT, LG) and cheap phones, I think it will be helpful to everyone.

What is unreimbursed communication fee?

When we buy a new smartphone or switch to a cheaper plan, we usually switch carriers. In this process, automatic transfers may be doubled without my knowledge, unreceived amounts of advance payments such as deposits may remain, and various discount rates are overpaid due to twisted calculations, resulting in unrefunded money that the telecommunications company must return to the customer.

통신비 미환급금 조회방법

통신비 미환급금 조회방법


✅ Look at the following examples of unrefunded money, and think carefully about whether or not I am included in the refund target.

How to inquire unrefunded amount

You can easily check the unreimbursed money on the homepage called Smart Choice operated by the Korea Telecommunications Operators Association. The carriers that can be viewed are KT, SK Telecom, LG U+, SK Broadband, and SK Affordable Phone.

Go to communication fee unreimbursed inquiry

✅Persons who are restricted from viewing unrefunded amounts

① Corporate subscriber

② Subscribers under the age of 14

③ Foreign subscribers

④ Subscriber under pseudonym

✅ Availability time

9:00 am – 8:00 pm (Closed on public holidays)

✅ How to apply

The application method is so simple that I don’t really have to explain it, but I’ll let you know for those who don’t know. Name, resident registration number, and telecommunication company click Select All and then click Search.

Then, the result of the unrefunded inquiry is displayed. If you still have unrefunded money after checking, you can apply for a refund after signing up as a member. I also looked it up just in case while writing a post, but unfortunately it is 0 won. I’m proud of myself because I think I’ve always checked carefully that there’s no refund.

※ Even if there is no reimbursement for communication expenses when you inquire based on yourself, check whether there is a refund for your parents or family members.

If you apply for a refund after signing up as a member, it will take 2-7 business days based on the financial institution’s business days, and the amount will be deposited into the bank account owned by the holder. Please note that a refund is only possible if the name of the person subject to the refund is the same as the bank account.

Smart Choice Service

Smart Choice provides a variety of services as well as communication fee unreimbursed inquiries.

✅Inquiry of handset subsidy (disclosure subsidy) when purchasing a mobile phone, inquiry of used phone market price, etc.

✅Recommend a rate plan and rate plan that suits you

✅Unreimbursed amount by communication, membership benefits, etc.

In addition, there is a lot of good information such as tips and tricks for smart communication life for non-communication related people.

So far, we have summarized the one-stop inquiry application method for unreimbursed communication expenses. Even though I don’t have any money back, I think I’ll be happy with that alone if there are many people who can find hidden money through my postings. I hope you will use Smart Choice, which has many communication tips as well as refunds.

[Source] How to apply for a one-stop inquiry on unreimbursed communication expenses (SKT KT LG Affordable Phone)|Author Minwiki