통장압류 해지기간 How long does it take to release after applying for cancellation after seizing the bankbook?

If a bankruptcy is seized, how long will it take approximately for it to be released? It would be a very embarrassing situation if the financial company bank account you were using was seized due to an unavoidable situation.

Seizure of bankbook – release period 통장압류 해지기간
If you have a bank account where your salary comes in from that financial institution, or your electricity bill or monthly rent goes out, it takes a lot of time and effort to deal with and solve it.

통장압류 해지기간

If so, how long will it take approximately for the bank book seizure to be released under the assumption that a rehabilitation application will be made? Will it be released immediately from the moment I apply for rehabilitation, or will it take weeks or months? 1분전




① Seizure of bank accounts for non-believers will not be resolved for the rest of your life


②Average period to release bankbook seizure


③ When the withdrawal of bankbook seizure is not resolved for a long time


④When the period of release of bankbook seizure is prolonged


Confiscation of bank accounts of non-believers will not be resolved forever

It has been about 5-6 years since I became a credit delinquent and my bankbook was seized 3 years ago, but there are some people who think that it will not work out for the rest of their lives.


When the debt repayment is completed, the bankbook is released. Sometimes, if the creditor has no hope of getting the debt repaid, there are cases where the creditor releases it himself, but it is safe to say that this is rarely the case.


If you want to get rid of the bankbook seizure, you can release it through personal rehabilitation, debt repayment, or personal bankruptcy. In other words, after you have paid off your debt, you can contact the creditor and ask for an application to release the foreclosure.


There is one thing to note, but it is impossible to release the seizure before the debt is paid, but the amount of 1.85 million won or less of the seized account balance can be used by transferring the account under your name that has not been seized by applying for a change in the range of seizure.


However, please know that if you apply for a change in the scope of seizure, the cost will be about 200,000 won, and you can transfer it two months after you apply.


Average period to release bankbook seizure

Let’s find out how long it usually takes to release the bankbook seizure through an agreement with the creditor.


If you look at real reviews from people, you can see that it usually takes 1-2 weeks. There is no faster way to do it than this.


In fact, release of bankbook seizure is a procedure in which an application for release is filed in the seized court, the court decision is delivered to the third debtor (seized bank), and the seizure is released when it is reached. This procedure takes about 1 to 2 weeks, so it is a faster method It is safe to say that there is no .


When the withdrawal of bankbook seizure is not resolved for a long time

Although the bankbook was seized, the situation was personally paid off, and even though the foreclosure cost had already been submitted to the court, two months had passed, but the bankbook seizure had not been resolved. In this case, should we continue to wait?


◎Search My Case


The release of the seizure is not automatically released, but only if you apply for the release of the bankbook seizure. If it has been two months since you applied, it is most desirable to check the progress of the law by searching for my case in the Supreme Court.


Also, if you contact the creditor and tell them to release the seizure of the bankbook, it seems that the bankbook can be released more quickly.


When the bankbook seizure release period is prolonged

It is said that the mail was sent a week ago for cancellation application, but the bank said that it had not arrived so far, so how should I deal with it when the damage is serious because it is later than the time the court originally planned to process?


Even though I received an answer that it will be resolved within 5 days, I will find out what to do when more damage is occurring because the seizure of the bank account has not yet been resolved.


There are cases in which the decision to release provisional seizure from the court is sent to the bank’s main branch and it takes some time to come down to the branch again.


In this case, there is a way.

After consulting with the person in charge of the bank branch, check to see if it is possible only with the court’s proof of receipt of the application for release of provisional seizure.


Please refer to the above information as there are cases in which bank account seizure is released with a receipt certificate.


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Review of the bankbook seizure release period

So far, we have looked at the period of release of bankbook seizure. If you have applied for release through personal rehabilitation, if you have applied for and received approval after the commencement, list creditors, receive an authorization decision, pay the delivery fee, and attach a total of 3 items, such as a receipt for the delivery fee, to release the seizure. You can file an application form and apply to the court for cancellation.


Of course, please note that it cannot be canceled until it is approved.