피부관리사 자격증 Obtain ‘National Certification as a Skin Esthetician’ by following these steps

hello. Today, we will learn about the popular national certification for skin technicians.

Estheticians are becoming more and more popular among women who have taken a break from their careers due to raising children or those who want to change careers. Additionally, a national certification is required to open a skin care salon. Maybe that’s why it feels like the passing rate for national certifications is getting lower.피부관리사 자격증

Esthetician – National Certification – Passing Rate
Esthetician National Certification Passing Rate

피부관리사 자격증

When looking at the practical test, the passing rate was around 50% in 2008 when the national certification was implemented, but after two years, it decreased and stayed in the 30% range, but then rose slightly, and last year’s passing rate was 42.4%. That makes the examination more rigorous. You mean to do it, right? If you want to pass the exam the first time without wasting time, you must prepare well.


Becoming a skin beautician is not difficult. Follow the steps carefully!


Skin care – photo
skin care
. Find out if I can get government subsidies
This item number 1 is the first issue to consider when obtaining almost any certification.

Many people do not know that the government provides a certain amount of support for attending academies to obtain certifications.

Of course, I need to check whether I can receive government subsidies.

To take a government-funded class at a government-funded academy, you must have a Tomorrow Learning Card issued by the government.


<Eligibility for Tomorrow’s Learning Card>

All citizens of the Republic of Korea are eligible, unless they are excluded.


Excluded: Current public officials, private school faculty and staff, 75 years of age or older, self-employed individuals with annual sales of 150 million won or more, special workers with monthly wages of 3 million won or more, and employees of large corporations under 45 years of age.

In the case of college students, there are more than 3 years left until graduation (if enrolled, students can participate from the end of the second semester of their second year). However, students enrolled in two-year colleges are excluded (applicable from the time of admission).


Detailed information on how to apply for government subsidies is provided in the previous post.

2022.04.27 – [See all categories] – Let’s apply for government subsidy (Tomorrow Learning Card) and get a national qualification.


2. Inquire at several nationally certified skin technician academies and compare.
If you have received the ‘National Tomorrow Learning Card’, it is now time to register your academy. However, there are many academies just by searching the Internet. Which academy is better is relative. It is a good idea to make inquiries to several places and decide which one best suits your current situation before registering.

What to consider when choosing an academy

Class time (weekend classes, weekday classes…)
Total course period
Differences from existing regular classes in case of government-funded classes
academy fee
Distance (considering travel time)
Material support
teacher’s career



3. Take a written test.
To take the practical exam, you must first pass the written exam. As you saw above, the written exam passing rate is not high. You need to buy books and study. There are 60 multiple-choice, 4-choice questions. You can pass if you score over 60 points out of 100. You can solve the previous questions several times and then take the test, but since it is a national certification, there are some difficult questions. For example, questions related to the composition of the skin or anatomy are also asked. Because the test is taken on a computer, you will know whether you passed or not as soon as you submit it.

The detailed test areas are divided into a total of 5 areas.

skin care
Dermatology and Anatomy
skin care equipment
public health management
In the case of the written test, questions are asked in the form of a question bank with similar question types, so there is no need to register at a separate academy, but you can just buy a good workbook and prepare by focusing on past exam questions.


Here’s a tip: You can experience the written test as soon as you submit it, and you will be notified immediately whether you passed or not. You only need to pass the exam if you score over 60 points, so don’t get hung up on questions you don’t know and be sure to allocate your time well.


The written exam fee is 14,500 won.

The written test is valid for 2 years. If you pass the written test, you must pass the practical test within two years.






4. Prepare for the practical exam by taking classes at the academy.
This is how questions are presented on the practical exam.

Analyzing Your Skin
Facial dead skin care
facial massage techniques
face mask pack
body pack
eyebrow care
Lymphatic management
Basic limb and armpit hair removal
cosmetic finishing

Even for those who have always been interested in beauty, we recommend that you attend an academy that teaches you the know-how to pass the test and pass the exam at once.



5. Take a practical test.

Go to Qnet and take the practical test. The practical test fee is 27,300 won.


All About Q-Net Qualifications



In the case of the practical test, it is held once every two weeks, and the number of tests is limited, so the test may close quickly at the location, time, and date you want, so we recommend that you apply as soon as it opens at 10 a.m. on the first day of application reception.



For the practical test, you can usually enter the room 1 hour and a half to 1 hour before the test time. It is best to go in advance and be prepared.



I sincerely hope that everyone passes the exam and achieves what they want.