하나저축은행 햇살론 Credit Loan (Details) < Loan (Details) < Product Search & Signup (Details) < Product < Hana Bank

하나저축은행 햇살론A person who has faithfully repaid the four major financial products (New Hope Spore, Sunshine Loan, Smile Finance, and Change Dream Loan) as of the loan application date. The criteria for faithful repayment are as follows.
– Minimum interest rate standard: As of May 24, 2023, internal credit rating (ASS) level 1, loan period of 1 year, interest rate reduction for collateral transactions and other interest rates reduction (families with 3 or more children under 19 years of age, recipients of basic livelihood security, single-parent families, multicultural families) , over 60 years old
Parental dependent) Maximum application – Maximum interest rate standard: As of May 24, 2023, internal credit rating (ASS) level 8, loan period of 5 years, when discount interest rate for collateral transactions and other discount interest rates are not applied
Note 1) Applicable interest rate: base interest rate + additional interest rate – incidental transaction reduction interest rate and other reduction interest rates
Note 2) Base interest rate: Determined on the loan origination date, and the applicable interest rate changes according to the interest rate fluctuation cycle. (Change cycle: 12 months)
Note 3) Additional interest rate: Applied differently depending on credit rating, loan period, etc.
Note 4) Reduction interest rate by ancillary transaction item: When executing a loan, the discount interest rate of the ancillary transaction item selected is applied, and thereafter, if the monthly reduction conditions are met for all items, including the unselected items, the interest rate is applied on a monthly basis.
If the monthly conditions are not met, the reduced interest rate is automatically increased.
– The legal maximum interest rate according to the Act on Registration of Loan Businesses, etc. and Protection of Financial Users is 20% per annum. – Overdue interest rate [loan interest rate + overdue interest rate (3% per year)]: The maximum is 15% per year.
※ When the loan period expires, the contract can be renewed if approval is obtained after reviewing whether the period can be extended according to the standards set by the bank. Depending on the customer’s credit rating, loan product, etc., visit the branch/extend the customer center/electronic financial channels (internet banking, smartphone banking) ) can be extended through methods such as:
Under the Stamp Duty Act, this is a tax paid when concluding a loan agreement. The tax amount is applied differently depending on the loan amount, and the bank and the customer each bear 50%.
※ Loan-related stamp duty
※ Products whose credit status does not affect the interest rate are excluded from interest rate reduction requests and are subject to CSS (Personal Credit Rating System) evaluation results and bank internal policies.
Depending on the circumstances, your request for an interest rate reduction may not be accepted.
※ For further details, please refer to the product description and Hana Bank’s website (www.kebhana.com), or contact Hana Bank’s customer center (1599-2222) or branch.
※ Financial consumers have the right to receive an explanation of the relevant product or service.
※ This promotional material is provided through procedures in accordance with laws and internal control standards.
ⓒ Hana Bank. All rights reserved.

하나저축은행 햇살론
