하이패스 미납요금 조회 Hi-Pass unpaid fee inquirye your personal and

하이패스 미납요금 조회
Are you experiencing difficulties regarding the payment of your Hi-Pass fees? Most likely, you’re not alone. However, handling unpaid toll fees with Hi-Pass is not as complex as it seems. In this blog post, we will give you a detailed guide on how to handle unpaid fees with Hi-Pass.

How Does Hi-Pass Work?

Hi-Pass is a contactless toll system designed for toll roads in Korea. It is similar to other electronic toll collection (ETC) systems, like EZ-Pass in the United States. To use Hi-Pass, you need to have a device installed on your car or rent one from Hi-Pass.

How Are Hi-Pass Fees Charged?

Hi-Pass fees are automatically deducted from your account. To open an account, you need to register at a Hi-Pass office or online and provide your personal and car information. You can prepay the fees at the Hi-Pass office or via bank transfer, or you can choose to have automatic payment.

What Happens When You Have Unpaid Fees?

If you have unpaid Hi-Pass fees, you will receive a notification letter that includes the details of the toll roads you passed through, the unpaid fees, and a deadline to pay them. If you don’t pay the fees by the deadline, your car will be flagged, and you will need to pay a penalty fee.

How Can You Handle Unpaid Fees?

To handle unpaid Hi-Pass fees, you need to visit a Hi-Pass office and pay the unpaid fees and the penalty fee. If you live outside Korea, you can pay the fees and penalties online or by phone.

What Documents Do You Need?

To handle unpaid Hi-Pass fees, you will need to bring your car registration documents and the notification letter you received from Hi-Pass. If you lost the letter, you can request a copy at the Hi-Pass office.

How Can You Avoid Unpaid Fees?

To avoid unpaid Hi-Pass fees, make sure to check your account balance regularly, especially if you change your car or license plates. Also, remember to update your personal information and payment method if necessary.

In summary, Hi-Pass is a contactless toll system used in Korea. Unpaid Hi-Pass fees can be handled by paying the fees and penalty at a Hi-Pass office or online. To avoid unpaid fees, you should check your account balance regularly and update your personal information and payment method if necessary.


1. How long do I have to pay my unpaid Hi-Pass fees?
– You usually have a deadline of 15 days to pay your unpaid fees.

2. Can I pay my unpaid Hi-Pass fees online if I live outside Korea?
– Yes, you can pay your fees and penalties online or by phone.

3. How can I check my Hi-Pass account balance?
– You can check your account balance online, at a Hi-Pass office, or via phone.

4. What is the penalty for unpaid Hi-Pass fees?
– The penalty fee is usually 25% of the unpaid fees.

5. Can I rent a Hi-Pass device?
– Yes, you can rent a Hi-Pass device at a Hi-Pass office or online.

6. What should I do if I receive a notification letter for unpaid Hi-Pass fees that I already paid?
– You should contact Hi-Pass customer service and provide proof of payment.

하이패스 미납요금 조회

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