하이패스 사용내역 조회방법 및 영수증 출력 방법 Hi-Pass usage history inquiry method and receipt printing method

Go to Hi-Pass usage history inquiry and unpaid fee payment
하이패스 사용내역

I will inform you of the Hi-Pass usage history inquiry information. When you pass through the expressway toll gate, you will receive a notification with a voice message telling you how much toll has been paid. But it’s too fleeting, and it’s hard to remember all of them one by one. In this case, you can check the Hi-Pass usage history.

하이패스 사용내역
Hi-Pass usage history inquiry and unpaid fee payment


Hi-Pass usage history inquiry

Hi-pass usage history output

Hi-Pass Unpaid Fee Check

High Pass Notes

▽Please check the details below.


Hi-Pass usage history inquiry

Hi-Pass usage history inquiry and unpaid fee payment
It is good to check Hi-Pass usage history from time to time. If you did not hear the alarm when the payment was not made due to a device error, the unpaid amount may be floating, and it is good to use it periodically to check whether there are any problems such as payment errors or fraudulent use. You can easily and conveniently check the Hi-Pass usage history on the Hi-Pass website using a PC or mobile app.


Hi-Pass usage history inquiry and unpaid fee payment
You can search by vehicle number by going to the highway toll fee website operated by the Korea Expressway Corporation.

It is the first screen of the Korea Expressway Corporation website. If you select Inquiry/Payment at the top or enter your license plate number, you can conveniently and quickly inquire about unpaid expressway tolls.

At this time, you must go through the authentication process to view, so please authenticate through your mobile phone.

You can log in with ID login, SNS authentication, co-certificate, Digital One Pass, or i-PIN method.


Hi-pass usage history output

Hi-pass usage history output is possible in the Hi-pass usage history search result. After searching, select the usage history you want, and then select and print the receipt or save it as an Excel file. It is also possible to prove the receipt through the screen capture method.


Hi-Pass Unpaid Fee Check


Hi-Pass usage history inquiry and unpaid fee payment
You can check usage history and unpaid status on My Page, but there are recommended services. This service includes automatic deferred payment card payment/automatic payment by high-pass car/text notification of unpaid bills/kakao notification of unpaid bills/issue of electronic bills.

Advantages of High Pass

– With Hi-Pass, vehicle registration information and payment information are pre-registered, so tolls are automatically deducted when traveling, reducing travel time and preventing traffic congestion as you do not have to stop the vehicle to pay tolls.


– If you use the Hi-Pass, you can also receive a toll discount in some sections.


– Because it is automatically paid, the driver does not have to pay separately with cash or card, which is very convenient.



High Pass Notes


Hi-Pass usage history inquiry and unpaid fee payment
– You can only search up to 3 years from the current date to view usage history. You can only search usage history up to 20 years based on 23 years.


-For those who have used a deferred payment card, it may take up to 3 days from the actual date of use to the transaction approval, so there may be a difference from the actual result.

– Postpaid card receipt printing can only be viewed based on the date of use.


– For privately funded highways, the time required is different for each local government.


-Real-time online inquiry is not possible in the case of High Pass non-stop sections.



High pass inquiry

Customer Center: 1588-2504


Even if you do not have a Hi-Pass balance or a Hi-Pass card, once you have entered the High-Pass lane, you can pay the fee later and pay the bill later, so please drive safely.

I hope that all those who use Hi-Pass can enjoy smooth use by checking usage details and information related to unpaid fees. Then, we looked at the history of Hi-Pass usage and information on unpaid bill payment.