한국장학재단 고객센터 및 전화번호 Korea Scholarship Foundation Customer Center and Phone Number

Let’s find out about the Korea Scholarship Foundation Customer Center phone number usage hours. The Korea Scholarship Foundation is a quasi-governmental organization under the Ministry of Education that provides scholarships to college students. It usually operates student loans, national scholarship programs for excellent students and low-income families, talent development support programs, scholarship fund creation, national scholarships, dormitories, and other student welfare.

한국장학재단 고객센터

한국장학재단 고객센터

Korea Scholarship Foundation Customer Center phone number usage hours
Korea Scholarship Foundation Customer Center phone number

Go to Korea Scholarship Foundation Customer Center

If you have any questions about the National Scholarship Foundation, visit the customer center to resolve them. When you visit the customer center, you can check frequently asked questions (FAQ), data room, online consultation, screen sharing consultation, phone consultation, in-person consultation, Let’s Praise, customer suggestions, electronic civil complaints, administrative judgment, public finance recovery, regulatory innovation, customer charter, corporate civil complaint protection service charter, etc.

Korea Scholarship Foundation-Customer Center
Korea Scholarship Foundation Customer Center
Korea Scholarship Foundation Customer Center

Korea Scholarship Foundation Frequently Asked Questions

You can check frequently asked questions and answers. If you do not have the question you are looking for or would like to inquire in detail, please use the online consultation. You can learn about repayment after employment, general repayment, tuition installment linkage, rural college student scholarship, scholarship, talent development support, website, scholarship support section, union dormitory, low-interest rate conversion, credit bank system learner scholarship, etc.

Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
Korea Scholarship Foundation Customer Center Phone Number

Customer Center Representative Consultation Phone Number: 1599-2000, 02-6250-9500

Consultation Hours: ARS 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, 9:00 ~ 18:00 on weekdays
Korea Scholarship Foundation-Customer Center-Phone Number
Korea Scholarship Foundation Customer Center Phone Number
ARS Number Guide

Information on usage fees (paid) and ARS number guidance and connection to a counselor is as follows.

1: National Scholarship
2: Scholarship
3: Scholarship Support Section
4: Repayment
5: Space Scholarship/Work-Scholarship/Talent Development
6: Employment-linked Support Project (High School Incentive, Hope Ladder)
0: Connection to a Counselor
ARS Number Guide
ARS Number Guide

We have looked at the Korea Scholarship Foundation Customer Center Phone Number usage hours so far. Since the counselor connection time is from 11:00 to 14:00, you can receive smoother consultation if you use the time outside of that time.