한진택배 배송조회 안됨 How to fix Hanjin Express delivery inquiry not available

Let’s find out how to solve the Hanjin Express delivery inquiry. The time to order and wait for delivery is not as exciting as it is. This is because there is nothing as frustrating as that, especially if the delivery inquiry is not available. Currently, as the number of couriers increases due to corona, errors sometimes occur, so it is important to find out how to solve the problem of Hanjin Courier not being viewed in advance. 한진택배 배송조회 안됨

한진택배 배송조회 안됨

Hanjin Express delivery tracking not available
I buy a lot of items by courier. Starting with simple products, you can order home appliances, fresh food, and more. So, depending on what you order, you may be more nervous. In the past, I just waited for the delivery, but now it is important to move actively because it is possible to inquire and track. Then, let’s find out what is the solution to Hanjin Express not being looked up.

How to fix Hanjin Express delivery inquiry not available 비지니스헬퍼

Hanjin Express delivery tracking not available
Hanjin Express delivery tracking not available
Hanjin Express Customer Center Inquiry

There is a way to directly contact the Hanjin Express Customer Center. For inquiries that can be resolved at the customer center, you can check cancellation or return, personal courier service, and tracking number. You can also track shipments, so you can get the information you need. Currently, in addition to direct contact with the agent, consultation is possible through ARS, so you can use it right away.

– Hanjin Express Customer Service Center (☎1588-0011) Hours of Operation: Weekdays 09:00 ~ 18:00 Excluding substitute holidays and holidays

Unable to view applications

Sometimes I use the Hanjin Courier app, but there are times when I can’t see the delivery. In this case, we recommend real-time inquiries through text messages rather than relying only on the app. These days, couriers send a text message with a link that can be viewed in real time, so if you check the link, you can check the location of the current courier, so you can predict how long it will take.

not viewable

There are times when courier inquiry itself is not possible. The reason for this situation is that the sender prints out and registers only the actual invoice number before sending it to the courier company. Please check the action method.

– Ask the product seller about the delivery status inquiry and delivery schedule.

– You can check the waybill number from 11:00 pm on the day the parcel is delivered, so please try to track the delivery after that time.

Hanjin Express delivery tracking not available
Invoice not found

If the invoice number is misunderstood or entered incorrectly, courier inquiry cannot be performed. Or, if the seller has not shipped the item yet, invoice inquiry is not possible, so it is important to contact the seller directly in this case.

house reservation status

When a parcel is delivered, it will be in various states. Among them, there is a housekeeping reservation. This state literally means that collection is scheduled, and collection is done around 5:00 PM, and the computerized registration time can be considered around 11:00 PM. That’s why, if it says to make a reservation for collection, please try to inquire about delivery at 11:00 pm.


Hanjin courier delivery search not found, how to solve it. If you don’t know the details of the actual delivery and movement of the package, you will be nervous waiting for the package that you don’t know when it will arrive. You can wait with a little bit of time, but to check the exact contents, please check the courier location a little more actively.