핸드폰물에빠졌을때 2 ways to respond immediately if your phone falls into water

핸드폰물에빠졌을때Every time that happens, the repair costs are high and I feel embarrassed because I can’t use my phone right away. In times like these, I would like to tell you some useful information. This is how to drain water from your smartphone.

Of course, it can be applied to all types of smartphones, so it would be helpful to refer to it. Now, I will explain the method in detail! However, please keep in mind that since this method is a temporary measure, the best method is to visit the A/S center.

It’s not difficult, so follow along step by step.

Additionally, if water gets into the speaker, simply letting it dry naturally may cause damage to the speaker. I can’t even put my finger into the speaker, what should I do?

Interestingly, there is a site that drains water accumulated in speakers. Go to the site below and click on the water droplet icon in the center to check if any water comes out of the speaker.

Fix My Speakers – Eject water from your phone’s speakers
Remove water from your phone’s speakers for FREE! It works by playing a specific tone that generates sound waves which causes the water to be ejected.

It’s really simple, right? This is how to drain a smartphone. However, the most important thing is the habit of prevention in advance. If you cannot use your cell phone due to flooding, visit a repair center as soon as possible.

This is because internal parts are corroded. Then larger costs will be incurred. For example, in this case: Damage to the internal screen + damage to the motherboard = screen repair costs + motherboard replacement costs… So, if your smartphone was flooded, we recommend that you consult a repair technician.
Galaxy, Galaxy drain, smartphone, smartphone mall drain site, smartphone drain, iPhone, iPhone drain, cell phone, cell phone drain, cell phone drain site

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